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Everything posted by prole

  1. prole

    RIP 9/11

  2. prole

    Advice sought

    Learn to enjoy the pain. Think of it as a second chance to savor the hot sauces you love! Have fun with it, do a blind "taste test" with a variety of sauces. Keep us posted!
  3. prole

    Real Question

  4. prole

    Real Question

    The fact that only one of us is familiar with any of these terms says more about your lifestyle than mine.
  5. prole

    Real Question

    We had to kill the cows to save the farmers?
  6. prole

    Real Question

    Bring me home so I don't have to get shot at and not get to shoot back - 1 You were just telling us how much you love your lifestyle getting paid to shoot guns and go climbing. Make up your mind.
  7. prole

    Real Question

    "Whhaaa, why can't we kill more indiscriminately?" Bring the Troops Home Now - 0 Leave Them Over There Indefinitely - 1
  8. prole

    Real Question

    Hmmm, now where have I heard this before? Don't you whackjobs ever come up with new material?
  9. Agreed. They should be calling attention to how conservatives continue to stonewall any meaningful attempt to improve the economy.
  10. prole

    Cashing In

    The Joke's On You
  11. I thought this post was about John McCain...
  12. How is that boxcutter defense shield coming along?
  13. Hush Highway Star Smoke on the Water Woman from Tokyo All still on airwaves regularly. Apparently you can't count either Ana Gadda Da Vida was their best.
  14. Call the whaambulance. Or the thought police.
  15. Calendar summer doesn't begin until July 27.
  16. Positively amniotic, bro.
  17. It's not just the sunshine. It's the climate. Fucking incredible!
  18. Yeah, like which ones?
  19. That this graphic approximates what's going on up there right now closely enough that you have refer to calendar summer is hilarious.
  20. The funny thing is, it's totally worth it. LMAO!
  21. Summertime, and the living is easy. No wait, it sucks.
  22. 'Cause they're tired of living in a moldy backwater?
  23. It's true!
  24. Love it down here. LA is an honest to God paradise. I cant imagine living anywhere else.
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