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Everything posted by prole

  1. If only criminals have guns then they should be pretty easy to identify and disarm.
  2. I'm all for working with the Iranians, BUT THAT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!
  3. How come no one used the "100,000 killed by improper handwashing" figure when discussing responses to 9/11? Missed a good opportunity there.
  4. Don't you know in this day and age an endorsement of any sensible proposal should always be immediately followed up with, "BUT THAT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!!" "Liberal" do-nothingism at its finest.
  5. Given Depardieu's looks, I'd venture to say that he'd have no career at all in a market driven system like Hollywood devoid of the kind of subsidized art films that made him a superstar.
  6. Michael Moore I'd be surprised to hear if he weren't willing to pay his fair share to the country that's treated him so well. How much has has the French film board benefited Depardieu over the years, I wonder.
  7. Who exactly would be a Hollywood equivalent here? I think losing some of that "talent and creativity" would probably be a net benefit.
  8. prole


    A race you and your 5-year-plan could surely win if only more than 1% of the population would follow you! A plan for the next five years? If only. The American political and economic elite can't think past the next five minutes. Guess our now redundant population can keep circling the bowl subsisting on crumbs in the form of media puff pieces/press releases from General Electric.
  9. prole


  10. Hey American Morons! Get this through your skulls! I do not want to live in even more of a surveillance state with more armed cops, security guards, metal detectors and cameras, dogs, carry and carry-free zones. Nor do I want to indulge your paranoid persecution fantasies about The Government or your race-based fears about self-protection or the apocalyptic meltdown of society just because you need a surrogate metal penis. Ironically your gun fetish is making the rest of us less free and less safe. Thanks and please locate your nearest gun buyback facility as soon as possible!
  11. I like how this and the NRA's responses are predicated on the ongoing availability of guns AND run counter to to the supposed aim of a freer society. Want less government up in your ass? Want less police-state ('good guys with guns')? That can only come from the across the board disarming of America. Giving up the 2nd amendment would actually make us freer.
  12. Would love to see some statistics on how often this actually happens. The Myth of Self Defense is the biggest, most successful fantasy concocted by the gun industry and fuelled by and large by racial fear.
  13. Today's MMA fighters using modern techniques would slaughter them.
  14. People, are we really going to allow the opportunity for national dialogue on this issue go by the boards? Now is the time for setting aside our partisan differences and engaging in a real debate. The MMA vs. Jackie Chan Question is just too important right now and needs to be settled once and for all if we are to move forward as a nation, as a species, really.
  15. My question is, what makes gun nuts think their lives are so worth protecting?
  16. America, once again in the role as the world's retarded pit bull.
  17. GOD HATES MARS! Scientific evidence of life on Mars should revitalize a denialist movement that has been losing steam lately. Good times ahead!
  18. prole

    Full Steam Ahead!

  19. The third one from the right looks shifty.
  20. Being beaten or choked to death by some mongoloids over a couple of DVD players is "reaping what you sow"?
  21. This is going to be big. Really big.
  22. At the heart of the issue is whether or not the kind of trajectory we're on, the kind of governance we're seeing, and the current structure of power will change. Appealing to demographic shifts without addressing the qualitative aspect is simply another iteration of the Coke/Pepsi debate. Jarritos, anyone?
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