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Everything posted by prole

  1. Yeah, but where does the money come from for all that, "Rob"?
  2. prole


    Spray's first on the scene.
  3. Stick it to the Man!
  5. Like how Kojak is a cubicle monkey who spends his entire workday and bosses money spraying?
  6. But hey, a corporation could then use that post to send that person (and you!) pop-up ads for Kraft Mac 'n Chee. Earth shattering stuff here, folks...
  7. Yeah, if you give a shit what some moron you went to high school with is having for dinner. Guh, thanks for "sharing"...
  8. When did this site get so pussified? Can someone give me a recap?
  9. Well Rob, that's what's great about America: No Guilt! Never, ever let anyone make you feel guilty. It's a commie trick.
  10. I mean, it's really a Hallmark holiday, right?
  11. I'd like to see America's poor children rise up and gnaw off your tiny balls.
  12. Fuck charity. Fuck assistance.
  13. America's poor children. LOL
  14. It's America's poor children that are losing. Oh wait, they either don't exist statistically, are irrelevant because of "human nature", make bank when you throw in school lunch, don't matter 'cause I really, really (heart) living here, etc. etc. What's the debate again?
  15. Oh boy. Settle down and try to breathe through your nose...
  16. Yeah, those homeless guys that camp out at highway exit ramps panhandling? They're like, millionaires, bro. It's a total scam.
  17. "This demands serious attention, I mean, when you include school lunch and and other stuff, these people are rolling in dough!
  18. The children need to take some personal responsibility.
  19. I refuse to be "guilted" into considering the possibility that there might be a problem here. Girls just wanna have fun, huh Kojak?
  20. The responses to the initial post (the obscene number of American children living in poverty) can be summarized as follows: "Whaaa, but what about Malta!" "Americans are human. Human nature. Next!" "It's progressives fault for bringing it up. STFU" Love it.
  21. I've wanted to climb that route forever.
  22. I've been dying to climb up there for years!
  23. But seriously, what happened around here? I need a recap!
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