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Everything posted by spicoli11

  1. He should have pissed on the elk and claimed it for himself
  2. Yes that is a pika......they really are drilling under the batholith and producing pikas the size of an escalade to boot. That roof looks like a blast.
  3. I did see the locomotive. The index skate shop video is fun to watch. Where does one skate in index?
  4. Le petit foutaise de cheval
  5. Shuffle Puck!!!!!!!!!
  6. "If I was a surfer from new jersey, I wouldn't be a surfer" -Sunny Garcia
  7. Beat up some locals from the neighboring town of Beaver Tractor pulling contests Smoke a carton of marb lights Drink schlitz and pull porto potties around logging roads attached to your bumper (once saw this on the middle fork) Drink at the bar called "at work" Go surfing at la push and yell at the hippies from seattle
  8. Devils Club!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the hand that smacks 'em good!!!!!!!!
  9. spicoli11


    Ho's n 40's
  10. In the PNW? No. 4/3 or 5/4/3 even in summer. I don't totally agree with this....I wear a 3/2 for the summer and have been fine. I enjoy the added mobility and rarely get cold. A 4/3 with a hood will get you through the rest of the year. You'll get your ass kicked at the westport jetty if you can't make it down the line and your in the way....its sad but true. I suggest the groins in town or short sands if you need to learn
  11. This dude is always "squirrel'in" his stash....he hasn't shared yet....don't be fooled.
  12. spicoli11


    chutney opossum
  13. Dynamic hammock
  14. spicoli11


  15. spicoli11


    If its brown don't flush it down hommie
  16. spicoli11


    Lets talk shit
  17. Lake minatour is not in the alpine lakes but its easy to get to and there are not alot of people there midweek
  18. demdare *bucks is gunna take ova da world....but notz in me town!!
  19. gross
  20. Or glissadE down the up path...thats the real problem. Is my spelling OK teach?
  21. I had me a bottle of the burgundy wine that my true love did not know Right there I poisoned that poor little girl down on the banks below
  22. I don't know Kurt, but I wish him well. I hope it all turns out allright.
  23. Who wouldn't pay 10 grand to stand next to a log of poop....I'm move'in to medina
  24. Volkswagen Passat Diesel Stationwagon Hommie!!!! I have a regular passat from 97 that is diesel.....the sucker runs for like a month before I have to fill it up. However the electronic bells and whistles are crapping out
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