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Everything posted by spicoli11

  1. spicoli11

    Why is it?.......

    once they made the outback it was all over
  2. I heard white russians will get you into good shape
  3. Deep Roots
  4. Rooooooarrrrrr!!!!!!
  5. You will die someday
  6. i dun think he's a talk'in bout that there russian butte........get'em!!!!!!!
  7. -sunblock 1st -"white" nitrile palm gardening glove(not great in cold if soaked)...they are like 5$
  8. Is that new snow on the ground or the remnants of an exploded meth lab??
  9. sloppy to gone rotten stuff
  10. were talk'in talons -n-wing span
  11. blarghhh!! Only a self proclaimed pirate would be a write'in a poem Y'all must be sail'in with tha rear admiral Pirates don't be write'in no poems now.....drink whiskey and your own urine to clean this poe from ya system
  12. In America, national sport is shoot hippy
  13. Babylon....so wicked!!!!!!!!!
  14. I'm going to mexico for tequila and glassy barrels in order to deal with the death of winter
  15. Shomer fucking shabbos
  16. "to fail is to poop " - Sir
  17. Mt Si
  18. Could you ski/board back down the way you came up if conditions were right?
  19. plunge your mind
  20. and flush your corn
  21. Turds are to excrete and not to swallow
  22. Urine trouble
  23. Colon Slump
  24. No....thats too much PBR!!!! Which will make you over the "toiletbowl" 2006
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