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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. This would imply, it wasn’t already there.
  2. kevbone


    My point, you dont climb. Just spray
  3. This may be true. The cables are dangerous. I am surprised that 100’s of hikers don’t die every year on them. I was scared silly coming down them. But they are landmark to the climbing community and will never be taken away.
  4. Ivan, I don’t make the rules, just going by the standards put in place by our lovely moderators and service folks. So far on this thread you are the first person the use the work climb. This should be on spray, by the CC.com definition. If the thread would have started as “Im going climbing want to know about the road conditions”, that would be different. Either way is doesn’t matter really, nobody listens to me.
  5. kevbone


    Dechristo, do you even climb? Or just spray away all day.
  6. Let's see, given a choice between a night stick to the head or groin and a Taser, I'd take the Taser. Given a choice between having someone kneel on me so I can't breathe, I'd take the Taser. Given the choice between a bullet to the heart or a Taser, I'd take the Taser every time. Well given those choices, I would take the tazer also. I have heard and read stories about tazer friendly cops who taze folks who aren’t doing anything but talking to them. There one such story which happened in down town Ptown about 3 years ago. The cop told a person who was the friend of the perpetrator to leave the conversation. This all happened in a park smart in public, right behind Dante’s bar. The cop (in my opinion) can not tell someone to leave a public area, when they have not broken any laws. The cop told the friend to walk away, the friend did not, stating “you don’t have the right to tell me where to stand’, the cop got frustrated and tazed his ass. The friend sued. Don’t remember what was the outcome. Frickin trigger friendly tazer cops scare me.
  7. kevbone


    Is that long for mpfph? Hey CJ, can it!
  8. What about the common hiker? There are alot more of them, then climbers in yosy!
  9. kevbone


    What does this mean? I dont speak idiot! STFU, nOOb! KaskadskyjKozak, your big with the STFU phrase. Its all you know how to say.
  10. Get rid of the cable? You are a dork. The cables represent the first accent in Yosemite and one of the first accents in all of North America. I came down the cables for the first time 2 summers ago. We climbed Snake Dike and if I would have known what I was getting into. I would have put my harness back on. Scary as shit.
  11. Your living in a dream world Neo!
  12. Tazzing should be banned. How would you like to be tazed for any reason.
  13. kevbone


    I still say Dechristo is the biggest sprayer. Or maybe Peter North!
  14. What the hell are you talking about?
  15. kevbone

    gay climbers?

    To much of a macho sport!
  16. kevbone


  17. kevbone


    What does this mean? I dont speak idiot!
  18. kevbone


    I call your bullshit. You posted, and your in consideration for the biggest poster CJ
  19. kevbone


    Who is the biggest sprayer here on this site. Not who you dont like the most, but who post the most on the most topics, and there post are drivel. My nominee: Dechristo! You have won a swift kick in the ass.
  20. Thought about how I cant get enough of this site.
  21. kevbone

    gay climbers?

    If it wasnt for gay men, fat woman would have nobody to dance with.
  22. Dont you mean "punk,punk,punk,punk,?
  23. don't get so ass hurt ya butt muncher! and some how you calling me that won't get you banned. i know of other boasters who have been banned for less. Pink, your guzzlin what? Decristo crack. You reap what you guzzle.
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