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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Where do you get you info? You are full of shit.
  2. Your a dork. Satriani did not train Eddie. Eddie learned his licks in his bedroom, then on the strip. This happened in the mid 70's, Satriani wasnt around then. Although, Satriani did train a lot of guitarists, including Vai.
  3. What, you have a gay thread about you?
  4. If anyone cares. Mark does not play with a pick.
  5. Close friend of mine met and hung out with Nuno, told me he was the biggest prick he ever met. Even though he rules as a guitar player.
  6. Any particular reason you didn't try this route first before becoming another punching bag here? I like punching bags??? Obviously. You married a fucking lawyer.
  7. Eddie really inspired you, eh? Yes, Eddie inspired my when I was 14 and learning how to play guitar. I am most inspired these days by jazz. I like Joe Pass a lot. That man sold his sole to the devil to play like he does. I also think Steve Kimock is the best jam guitarist out there today.
  8. finally mr KaskadskyjKozak, I agree with you. Very Influential.
  9. RIP my friend! The world lost a great musician on that tragic day! Pantera, one of the greats.
  10. It seems like after Van Halen I came out. The entire style of rock guitar changed. He was (in my opinion) the most influential rock guitarist out there.
  11. I have to give it up for Eddie Van Halen for the most influential. He changed the way people played in the late 70’s. The entire style of rock guitar changed after Van Halen I came on the air waves.
  13. Any particular reason you didn't try this route first before becoming another punching bag here? I like punching bags???
  14. Ok, I understand it now. I went home and asked my wife who happens to be a criminal defense attorney and also a part time judge. She explained it nicely.
  15. I understand all of that. Let me try to explain what I have never understood about his civil trial. If he was acquitted in a criminal trial, which require that you be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then was tried in a civil trial, which have lower standards. How come he lost? Did OJ’s attorneys not bring up the fact that he was just acquitted for these murders in a court that hold a higher standard? Would that fact not be his best defense?
  16. Gosh, that wasn’t so bad, was it? Now for the hard question. How could a court see fit to find for the family of the dead person. If the person was tried and acquitted of the murder. Wouldn’t the attorney on OJ’s side bring that point up? I find this ironic.
  17. This has been entertaining (why else would one log on this site), so I will clarify what I was saying. WHY DO YOU THINK I WOULD KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CIVIL SUITES? ITS NOT EXACTLY COMMON KNOWLEDGE.
  18. Dude, quite while you're behind. You want to lick my behind? I dont think so.
  19. Are you serious? Let me let you know how many civil law suits I have been a part of, on either side. Or for that matter any thing pertaining to law suits of any kind. Or criminal behavior or really anything that has to do with the court systems. ZERO. So with this knowledge of me. Why do you think I would know about it? I don’t remember wrongful death law suites in school. High school or college. Sorry, what was that you were saying? I don't think Kevbonehead has finished 7th grade yet - you know, when you learn about libraries and how to look stuff up - research and all that. Hey krasyoqowiejlkasdjpoi or what ever your name is. I understand HOW to look something up. I want to know why you think I should just know about law, being that I have never studied it. How would one know about rock climbing without actually doing it?
  20. Like I said. you know ass munch as I do! Beyotch!!!!
  21. Are you serious? Let me let you know how many civil law suits I have been a part of, on either side. Or for that matter any thing pertaining to law suits of any kind. Or criminal behavior or really anything that has to do with the court systems. ZERO. So with this knowledge of me. Why do you think I would know about it? I don’t remember wrongful death law suites in school. High school or college.
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