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Everything posted by underworld

  1. always assume a stick and stone is loaded!
  2. if they ban guns... then bow and arrow crimes would go up
  3. any trials riders 'round these parts??? ('observed', not 'time')
  4. - ride motorcycles (usually to and from work) - ride bicycles - i design ways to break things at work (i enjoy my job) - drink - ski (but not this season) ...geez..i don't do much of anything really
  5. has the ACLU gotten into this at all? don't think i've heard anything bout them yet?
  6. underworld

    I fondeld my gear

    i thought it was right... does that make you the thought police?
  7. underworld

    I fondeld my gear

    et cetera = and so forth et al = and others
  8. that can't be! cuz rosie also was on imus' side
  9. live near work... save the glaciers! (or work near home)
  10. wait a second.. what does this have to do with black culture anyway... i was just saying that the phrase "NHH's" sounds like something snoop dog or some other mtv rappers would say, white or black. although i prefer black rappers. but eminem is good. so is lil wyte.
  11. but is this racism that is a result of the old school stuff. or is it a result of pop culture? when i hear the term 'nappy headed hoes'... i don't think of dudes in sheets chanting that. i think of snoop dog making a million bucks with it.
  12. Three inches of fat is three inches of fat. I'm talking about subjectively placing people in derogatory categories because of their ancestry. Besides, if someone calls you fat, say "I may be fat, but you're ugly, and I can lose weight." so was i. you also making my point w/ the 'if someone calls you...' "i may be nappy headed...but i'm a good ball player" people are going to say mean things. there are always tactless idiots. but do you sit and mope about it or get over it and prove em wrong?
  13. it pisses me off when people talk about 'fat americans'....same thing, no?
  14. Exactly. And black culture is trying to change that. Which is why this doesn't help. But you're not looking at the big picture, dood. black pop culture doesn't seem to be trying to change it. but typical everyday black culture...it doesn't seem to be an issue. they are all just one of the guys (or gals). things are pretty color blind.
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