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Everything posted by underworld

  1. please describe what characteristics make someone NOT racist.
  2. in other words.... he called them hoes without knowing whether or not they were hoes. (yes, this is wrong to do) did he do it it because they were basketball players? was it because they were black? was it because they were from rutgers? was it because they were women? was it because of what they were wearing? could be ANY of that.... but you've picked the race card.
  3. Oh puh-lease. That is incredibly disingenuous. Give me a fucking break. He's referring to the natural hair quality of Americans of African descent, in a derogatory way. And he's specifically implying that a black woman is as good as a whore. I'd fire his ass. It's not about the "hypersensitivity" of American culture or any other issue. It's about making bigoted remarks about black Americans in the media. If he works with any black people, I would also sue him for creating a hostile work environment. Given the history of black-white relations in America, it's not OK to talk this way in a public (privately owned) media, and on the job. Unless you work for the KKK or Aryan fucking Nations. Personally, his taste in clothes alone should get him slammed. you, the media and other wackos are the ones that are making it about race. you're making the connection of black=ho. we can nit pick here... sure he was commenting on their hair. saying it was nappy. that's simply a comment on THEIR hair. the team does not represent all blacks, nor does commenting on their hair make them any less of a person. again, i agree that it isn't a nice thing to say. just as calling them hoes is not nice either, but the simple statement doesn't make the race connection. black rappers call women hoes more than dj's do. how do you see that impacting the black/white relations??
  4. ok... point. but why criminal?
  5. that wasn't in the headlines.... and the only other time i've heard that word is in a da lynch mob song. they are black.
  6. btw - yeah...it's a crappy thing to say about people he didn't know. not sure why it has turned into a racial scandal tho.
  7. criminal??? why?? and how is it even racist? he said 'nappy headed hos'... what in that statement has anything to do w/ race?? i've seen plenty of WHITE hemp wearing hippy climber hos w/ dreadlocks. now THAT is nappy!
  8. requesting his apology is lamer/weaker/etc than letting it roll off. if you don't like the statements, don't dignify them by making a scandal out of it.
  9. so i know the short version of the quote (title of this thread)...but what was the context? anyone have a link to the transcript?
  10. i'm listening to emenim right now...
  11. The best camera for denali expedition is the one having the most phun.
  12. sketch gear hold.... and i take back everything i've said about zeros!
  13. joke thread?? ha... this whole site is a joke!
  14. you're an anti-dentite!
  15. the best anti-balling plate is the one having the most fun
  16. i define rich as being happy.... i define having lots of money as having lots of money... not the same thing
  17. the rich don't have feelings, remember?
  18. so it is ok to generalize and say 'americans are fat'...but you can't say 'women are fat'??
  19. posting the pictures showed confidence.... starting this thread showed insecurity... so i guess you break even. if you get crap from people for whatever reason, especially for looks - just give the z-snap, an 'eff you' and an 'i look gooo-oood'.
  20. so if someone uses an MLU per the law... and they still get skrude. you know, an MLU won't make the white-out go away. who's responsible? Is the MLU maker liable? WTF??? this is all bogus!
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