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Everything posted by underworld

  1. some lady at the freemont fair had a sign on her chest to ban styrofoam from seattle. (i was eating fried rice on a styrofoam plate at the time...hands were full so i couldn't sign her petition)
  2. that most people think that everything and global warming are connected when they are not..?
  3. underworld

    ice chests...

    styrofoam is bad because it melts glaciers... however, what keeps ice from melting in the ice chest? .... styrofoam. discuss...
  4. the best place to live -- alpine in washington is the one having the most fun
  5. maybe... minus the drawback of carrying a cordellette.
  6. check your pm's disclaimer - my posts do not reflect the views, opinions, climbing abilities, spelling or grammer (etc etc) of the club
  7. Sorry. I decided that I wanted to spend my time climbing, not dealing with bullshit. it's called 'delegating'... then go climbing
  8. these are slow and complex (relatively speaking)...and thus used for complex situations. that is, marginal anchors or high load stuff, whatever. what are novices doing with this. if a novice, on a novice type climb needs something like this, they probably (mistakingly) climbed past an obviouser bomber'er place for an anchor. granted, it is fun to come up w/ creative solutions to these idealized problems - but what situations are you guys using this stuff on? ie - what made you say 'i need to make this frankenanchor'??
  9. if you build this in the mountains - you will not die of anchor failure.... you will die of old age!
  10. although i rarely take a cord into the mountains (double ropes are AWESOME for quick alpine anchors).... few weeks ago my faith in rock gear and cordallette (strength, at least) skyrocketted. space hauling a 200+ lb pig w/ a 200+ lb person hanging on the system. we did this on everything from a 2 bolt anchor and a cord doubled over and tied in an overhand...to multi gear anchor brought together w/ a cord (again, tied in an overhand). as said before, you can't get 'perfect' equalization - but you get something that is STRONG ENOUGH.
  11. DUH!!! and you should tell others and them of your experience. it's the only way they might change. and.... speaking of uptight seattle hippie types.... went to trader joes after work and bypassed the line of cars going into the parking lot. saw a spot at the end of the lot so i went into the exit and swiped the spot. not one, but two ladies had openend their window to inform me i went in thru the exit and even so much as called me rude. i said "yup, i got the spot"
  12. a) if the same thing happens every time... why keep going back? b) don't bad mouth small businesses around here... it's a 'grievous act'
  13. the newest of the new aliens have stamped on the stem "tested" or "tensile tested"
  14. just got the yates bigwall in the mail yesterday (yah mgear!)... this thing looks like the bomb and is MUCH easier to put on and get snug than the yates shield. no hangin' in it yet - it'll be trial by fire soon enough. i imagine the hammer holsters can be cut off in necessary. the shield had em too and didn't bother me.
  15. underworld

    Ron Paul

    ~Ron Paul i thought there was no connection between iraq and 9/11??
  16. underworld

    Overdo it

    whoodah thunk that it would only take 10 replies to go from rack to clit
  17. that's all well and understood. however, am i not entitled to voice my beefs with a business... small or not? my main point now is less of what happened with my gear - but rather fish's 1st reaction to my complaint. the reason for going to small business in my mind is that they still (usually) hold to the "customer is always right" mantra. fish knew they had an unhappy customer and istead of trying to smooth that over and make sure i was happy "hey, sorry the stuff is late...what can we do to get your business again? how bout a free hat?" instead it was lashing out at me and telling me i was wrong. and, btw - no follow up to see if i'd gotten the gear etc etc. i ordered gear and got it at the last minute. this is customer service if i ordered gear and got it asap and or was shown some more effort in making up for it being last minute - that would be GOOD customer service.
  18. approval of bush is at the same level as the approval of the Democratic congress... linky all governmentt suck!
  19. underworld


    not always a SAD thing... 8D
  20. good thing this guy was acquitted...else his name might have be associated w/ dog fqing... pit bull
  21. lied? huh?? ordered feb 11 original drop dead date.. may 17 in march asked to bump up the need date to april 1. quick reply from russ saying it shouldn't be a problem few more e-mails back and forth cuz he asked me to REMIND him. was charged for the gear in early april was told it would be out in a few days...in early april still not here... why is this a defendable way to do business??
  22. grievous?? bit of an overstatement, eh? this IS the gear critic forum. is it only legal to dis REI here? why the hypersensetivity with this one?
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