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Everything posted by underworld

  1. underworld


    is W wrong... or is it just your opinion?
  2. i only wear shoes from organic, fair trade, shade grown, free range cows.
  3. underworld

    Quadrant Homes

    whether it is your first choice or your last choice. if you buy it, you agree. like climbing...once you tie in, you agree WRONG! No means no, but silence doesn't necessarily mean Yes. no means no...means no agreement...means no sale silence doesn't necessarily mean yes, with also means no sale. yes means sale...means agreement
  4. underworld

    Quadrant Homes

    whether it is your first choice or your last choice. if you buy it, you agree. like climbing...once you tie in, you agree
  5. underworld


    i was saying nothing about your background. only saying something about your wrong assumption of savage.
  6. underworld

    Quadrant Homes

    it is perfect. in every transaction - the buyer and seller are in agreement.
  7. underworld


    actually..i take that back. it doesn matter his background. someone that came rags to riches based on hard work and against a lot of odds probably has some more insightful things to say than someone 'privileged' enough to be born into money.
  8. underworld


    agree on the not caring about the background. i was instead pointing out the judgement on the guy based on a guess, i'm guessing
  9. underworld


    he worked his ass off... you know nothing about the dude, do you
  10. don't animals poop on your salads before you eat em?
  11. is that what makes em so tasty? mmm..mmmmmmm
  12. underworld


    whu... were you saying something?
  13. underworld


    wasn't it boxer that said she knew they wouldn't have enough votes for it to pass....but they needed to send a strong message. what a waste of time and money
  14. underworld


    it just won't count
  15. underworld


    you don't get to choose where the bus goes. whattabout those driving hybrid cars? they get a tax cut.
  16. underworld


    "beggers can't be choosers"
  17. underworld


    Our right to effect change went by by the minute Bush took office. hmmm...no right to effect change?? whatabout the dem congress?? that was a change voted in. aren't they s'posed to be making changes? they're too busy spraying too. pulling an all-nighter on something they admit won't pass....and wouldn't be binding if it did. What change have they made? Other than majority? Bush does not comply with congress.....he has made that clear. exactly... you and everyone else still had the right to make change...ie VOTE. they did. but the dudes that got voted in aren't following thru. that isn't bush's fault. if you're implying that bush will veto anything that would make a change, ok, but stuff isn't even getting to his desk.
  18. underworld


    from a very conservative person: it's a dumb ass idea in practice (impracticle) - but a good talking point
  19. underworld


    Our right to effect change went by by the minute Bush took office. hmmm...no right to effect change?? whatabout the dem congress?? that was a change voted in. aren't they s'posed to be making changes? they're too busy spraying too. pulling an all-nighter on something they admit won't pass....and wouldn't be binding if it did.
  20. underworld


    like the welfare system?
  21. underworld


    but we ARE talking about race...right?
  22. underworld


    Yeah! Let's get those black kids to stop voting! Cockass. Hook line and sinker. LOL
  23. underworld


    seems it would get alot of people off govt aid. you could look at that as a good thing or a bad thing, i guess.
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