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Everything posted by underworld

  1. "nothing wrong with her that $100 won't fix" Tom Waits
  2. ok...let's assume that it IS a racist comment. saying "she did not even know that was a racist comment" only says she is ignorant, not racist.
  3. first of all.. you can't guarantee that... secondly... since there are fewer blacks, describing someone as black can be a little more descriptive than describing a whitey. like saying - that 3 wheeled car... as opposed to that 4 wheeled car. but, you're right - it is context. however, i'd have a hard time saying that it is ALWAYS racist to describe someone using their skin color. 'black' isn't a race, is it? it is a characteristic of certain races.
  4. Wow....what a touchy subject. I see racism almost everyday. Or hear it. Yesterday a college of mine was telling a co-worker about this or that (it does not matter what they were talking about), she proceeded to tell this other employee about this person who ran an office somewhere. After telling her about it. She ended it by saying nonchalantly “and it was this huge black woman”. Did she have to state her skin color? It was irrelevant to the topic. I never hear the same conversation and at the end hear “it was a huge white woman”. She did not even know that was a racist comment. can this be looked at the other way... as just describing someone. you seem not to have a problem with her describing another physical attribute... that she was huge. maybe using it as a physical characteristic like this can be looked at as saying - the woman in a red shirt. which is far from describing a persons character. isn't racism using their race/color/whatever to describe their character...based only on their race/color/whatever?
  5. how does that make any sense in this thread?
  6. 4) global warming will put more girls in bikinis!!!
  7. i don't believe i ever said that...nor would i make that sort of bizzar connection. the 'his decision' point...is that his cred is deminished because he is making such a huge deal out of every little thing that might be causing global warming. he is choosing to be making a deal out of it all. but he is not choosing to make a big deal for himself. if he were as selfless and extreme as certain folks are making him out to be....then he'd be living a little more enviro-frugally... i'm not arguing the global warming stuff in this thread...just arguing the hypocracy in this one.
  8. who's dodging and weaving?? the topic was gore and his house... you brought up bush and the war...
  9. prez was elected to make decisions like this (along w/ congress)... Al took on this crusade himself (see above) Riiiiight! Bush didn't choose his job, the job chose him! It was a divine calling. God demanded this of him. The people demanded it of him. Bush is so selfless in how he reached the presidency, what an accident!! what a tireless servant of the public! way to miss the point... yes he went for the position - but it was ultimately up to the public to give him the power to make such decisions.
  10. does the president have to fight in a war in order to be able to start one and execute it properly? does he have to run a successful business operation in order to make major decisions about the economy? if a president has never known poverty, is it ok for him to talk about it or does he have to have 'street cred'? besides.. how is any of the above justification or at least reasoning for the energy usage? why is the knee-jerk reaction when a lefty gets criticized - to try to make analogies to bush? at least trashcans gave some attempt at reasoning. maybe not justification...but at least reasoning.
  11. prez was elected to make decisions like this (along w/ congress)... Al took on this crusade himself (see above)
  12. the shot in the face was an accident... ...the extravagant lifestyle is not. you're right, it doesn't invalidate and data - but it does eat away at al's cred.
  13. many on the left say that the environment IS the real issue right now. why are you using a pathetic attempt to distract away from this by bringing up 'the chimp' pot kettle
  14. see signature... biggie smalls
  15. if you post it...they will spray
  16. add to your list: - seniority rule (at all cost) - reliance (err...dependance) on a larger body
  17. and union bosses eat pretty high on the hog too...thanks to their dues paying members they ARE what the proclaim they hate....
  18. sickie nicklebrokeback sickie
  19. so you don't pull something as you're bending over
  20. but he has a 'cool' artsy job. sooooo noble. instead of one of the capitolistic jobs that actually pays the bills
  21. why? High expense, low quality. i.e., they suck. When you go to H&R Block to do your taxes, you're basically paying someone to type your numbers into a TurboTax type program for you. no... H&R block has the software too... same price (give or take) as the turbotax. my question is whethere there's a difference in the 2 softwares...
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