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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I did the SW Ridge a couple years ago. PM me if you want beta. It doesn't hurt to just go with all your gear then determine what route when you get there. Kahiltna is like Camp 4 on ice anyway. Its good to have some objectives in mind, but no reason to settle on one before you go, atleast not for your first trip there anyway.
  2. Its three days before the end of the year, And recent snows have changed gloom to cheer... With more on the way spirits are soaring- For the weather ahead will be anything but boring. After a day of drying, the westerlies arrive, And Friday promises to shift park to drive; Heavy snow, high winds, we'll break but not bend, Just need to get through a brief warming trend. The easterly flow will help near the crest, And will minimize the rain for we feel that's best, As we close out the year and start out 06, The weekend ahead looks snowy and brisk... So enjoy the storms and the ones beyond those, But stay aware of the danger and don't get hosed- Keep checking for clues wherever you go, For it's hard to enjoy if you're under the snow. -From NWAC
  3. I know where your secret crag is.
  4. Fucking Communist.
  5. Icegirl is Jesus!!!???
  6. In my experience, and granted I'm not a super bitchin ice star, ice climbing in the northwest is way harder than in the Rockies. I could lead 4+ or 5 in the Rockies my second season climbing ice. I have yet to lead a true grade 5 in the northwest. The ice is just shittier, more rotten, more chandaliered, etc. here.
  7. The drummer from Def Leopard only has one arm.
  8. What I like about the Rockies is that if I was there and I wanted to go climbing I could. But if I'm here and I want to go climbing right now, THERES NO FUCKING ICE.
  9. your webpage doesn't work.
  10. No, but that's a bhaaaaaad joke.
  11. And I've never heard any sheep complaining about my "manhood." So there.
  12. My computer must be broken. I need a flux copasitor.
  13. Ahem. Perhaps my reading comprehension is poor, but all I see is references to polar bears fucking and a weird voodoo skull. I do believe that I was the first to point out the way core nalgene cantene on the desk, thank you very much.
  14. He's got a nalgene on his desk too. That means he's definitly core.
  15. Wait, was that one of those sarcasm jobbies? Modest AND smart. What a catch!
  16. Home Depot.
  17. Well, you are both so extremely subtle and low-key, I must admit sometimes I do get you two confused.
  18. With weather and conditions being as they are, I wouldn't blame them.
  19. I'm made out of sugar and spice and everything nice, even though I don't really know what TIVO is.
  20. But "CSI: Enumclaw" is on the TIVO tonight.
  21. Dreamin'
  22. Climbing mag lost all their cred anyway when they put Layton in it. I guess anybody can get in that rag now
  23. Forecast is looking better starting next Tuesday, with snow levels going down and snow expected.
  24. Go to Mission Falls. Werd. Bug. Have fun.
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