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Everything posted by kix

  1. kix


    are you an internet cripple?
  2. kix

    I Hate Drizzle.

    PNWED!!! it has a certain charm don;t you think?
  3. kix


    also my preference for the spelling.
  4. we are rich and white because god has chosen us.
  5. so we occasionally let other schools win at something. we're charitable.
  6. way to get sucked into the mainstream buffoonery.....
  7. ok. Bouldering. apparently I missed the one photo per section rule.
  8. I haven't even submitted a photo and I'm in the running? cool.
  9. kix

    Pioneer Organics

    we thought it was good, but the inability to be more selective worked against it. The deliveries ended up dictating our menu's. If we weren't already running to the store for this or that every other day anyway I could see still keeping it. it was a good service. no harm in trying it.
  10. parents of many here may already know the answer......
  11. oh snap! I was merely suggesting that "not yours" would be another good gear sticker in addition to my other genius suggestions.
  12. here's another sticker idea for you: "not yours"
  13. god is aid. pray for the strength to sack up.
  14. so where are we drinking?
  15. kix

    This weekend

    I bouldered dry rock all weekend. he's right. you gotta explore.
  16. I'll join your training regimen if you join mine which consists of massive bong loads before any and all training. which isn't much different than my non-training day regimen.
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