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Everything posted by kix

  1. what are you talking about? I thought I won. I've already received my prize. oh wait, I just remembered I already had this chalk.
  2. kix

    Counting the days....

    I didn;t realize some of you were so fuqing ancient. I must have wandered in here on accident somehow.
  3. there aren't any full disclosue rules requiring this declaration.
  4. I know that roped climbing is aid dabbery, that alpine climbing is over glorified suffer-hiking and that bouldering is held in high favor by god and halter top beauties. I also know that I don't know otherwise.
  5. kix

    Counting the days....

    well then, I believe you're in luck, at least for the foreseeable future.....
  6. kix

    Counting the days....

    no. it would actually be easier all around if you were to politely stay the hell out of the bitching about rain thread. seeing as it seems to irritate you that we are bitching about the rain.
  7. kix

    Counting the days....

    I am making a big batch of jim jones kool-aid right now if anyone wishes to imbibe. WASHINGTON - A La Nina, a mild cooling of the tropical Pacific Ocean which can affect weather in other areas, is being forecast for spring. La Ninas tend to encourage wet weather in the Pacific Northwest and dry conditions in the south, but National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters declined to blame current weather on the phenomena. La Nina is the opposite of the better known El Nino, a Pacific warming. Both occur every few years and can affect weather around the world. The last La Nina occurred in 2000-2001. Because the La Nina is only just starting to develop and is expected to be weak, forecasters at the NOAA Climate Prediction Center said it is too early to say how it will affect spring and summer weather.
  8. deleting posts is weaksauce entertainment
  9. kix

    Chuck Norris Facts!

    chuck norris roundhouse kicks jon to the head for claiming to be chuck norris.
  10. I go by this. it is always accurate.
  11. did someone just paint my window blue?
  12. best beta I've ever read on this site. blue ribbon for you.
  13. kix

    Counting the days....

    gee, you're alot of fun. rainiest winter on record then. hows that?
  14. kix

    Counting the days....

    trust me...i got fat in spades... riiiight. i'd say your fat has the best technique in town then.
  15. kix

    Counting the days....

    Something in there certainly burned. you probably win awards for your remarkable grasp of the obvious.
  16. kix

    Counting the days....

    well that article can suck my left nut. 98 was my first winter here and I barely survived it with my sanity. 93 days. burned in my memory.
  17. kix


    I was just trolling. I make no actual judgement. RIP.
  18. and can anyone confirm the existence of boulders at the static point trailhead area?
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