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Everything posted by kix

  1. I was working the 'direct link' angle.
  2. allow me to use a phrase that would seem more approriate for this audience, perhaps even prophetic: "eat shit and die" and in answer to the second question: your sister
  3. "but I thought that once I got a lift kit and mounted a rack and jack on the roof I would be a foolproof off-roader"
  4. Oh they do have good food, and a good selection of beer/wine. You pay through the nose for it, and rarely do they sell things that aren't available elsewhere in the community. Whole Foods contributes a % back to the local community. Save all your receipts, at the end of the year compute your total spent at WF, compare it to the stores community contributions and determine your contribution to that percentage. Multiply it by the average % markup you pay for goods at WF compared to other markets and deduct the total as charitable contribution to the community on your taxes. Organic accounting.
  5. sure, but your mind knows what you are doing to your body and it will feel abandoned and then when an army of free radicals is unleashed within your body to wreak havoc, your body will be cowering in the corner unwilling to fight because of the deep sense of abandonment you have instilled. make a mutual defense pact. healthy body, healthy mind, healthy body.
  6. did I mention the excellent beer selection at Whole Foods? reason enuff right there.
  7. perservatives, additives, pesticides, herbacides, etccccccc mmmm mmmmmm good. enjoy.
  8. All that prepared food from most all those places is mostly poisoned processed institutionalized food. Even the fresh produce used is very suspect to me. You can eat something different, delicious, organic and good for you everyday of the week at Whole Foods Market. PCC too, but less variety and selection. be good to yourselves.
  9. climbing in the gym. lunch is for fatties.
  10. never read that one in the check out line.
  11. I'm really only interested in cures and remedies with promises of results in 5 minutes.
  12. did anyone mention that this event is tonite at 8:00 PM? Dru is on the guest list.
  13. kix

    Bear love, part II

    are we talking about Valerie P and Bear is an allegory for Russia? I'm confused.
  14. link? or are we just talking fat overeaters who try to climb and trash their tendons?
  15. kix

    its tuesday...

    how about if I come 3 sheets to the wind?
  16. I sometimes link all the v2's together regardless of the tape color. that way whenever I come across a harder brown taped problem I don't freeze up and start to hyperventilate. as for real rock, I discovered that supersized tick marks vs. the normal size tick marks improved my climbing significantly.
  17. all you little skinnny people crack me up
  18. yep. no problem. today?
  19. kix


    I need some one to scream out beta and point to holds.
  20. kix


    cool. you now have time to come and work the red tape one with me. its killer.
  21. kix


    local gangbanger guy slings 20 rocks in the corner
  22. kix


    only on Mondays and fridays. real rock is on tuesdays, wednesdays and saturdays. asshat.
  23. naturally when I get home I see that the image is not so much porn. but with a name like big_gay_al.jpg and an IT filter warning that claimed it was blocking porn, I could only imagine. that said, the image is a remarkable likeness. however I prefer to ponder my projects in a silk smoking jacket.
  24. we are not interested in content from all your fave man sites.
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