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Everything posted by kix

  1. kix

    Favorite Pie?

    pfff. i've read reviews on your moms pie, too much crust, not enough juicy fruit filling
  2. you'd have to clarify this point before some of us will offer to take to you out. Not sure if many of us are looking to climb brokeback mountain. But there was a post a few days ago....
  3. kix

    Favorite Pie?

    I don't eat pie. but I love to serve up huge portions of humble pie.
  4. kix

    fucking rain

    not to mention the terrible impact it has had on the more important things in life. like bouldering.
  5. kix


    bandwagoner. if you weren't in on page 1, you're nobody.....
  6. kix


    leave your real life, off the board, opinions out of this...
  7. kix


    internet grammer is ghey
  8. kix


    isn't it embarassing that some small psuedo intellectual is cold and callous enough in their heart to ignore the context of the mining accident to try and belittle the speech of humble hard working people who are ungulfed in grief only hours old. so very small.
  9. clinton and sexual relations with that woman?
  10. at least he limited his response to actual comments vs. a full on photo assault of himself.
  11. kix

    Why is it...

    I don't remember the name of anything. even the stuff I named. but I remember everything I have fallen from that remains incompleted although they are referred to most often as 'that one' or 'you know the one by the thing' or 'over by that other one, up the hill'. I may not remember their name, but I remember their face.
  12. the new tradition............christmas in enumclaw
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