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Everything posted by kix

  1. she lets me have my secret fantasy life, why can't you?
  2. they call me Agent Orange
  3. I considered painting all the holds white to give them a more permanently chalked look.
  4. you didn;t see all the little arrows I chipped into the rock?
  5. just look for all the bright neon signs that indicate their exact locations. you can't miss them.
  6. and give up my James Bond Style life of excitement, intrigue and sexual conquests?
  7. Just one little binger to brighten up your day.
  8. kix

    Winter Training!

    because this is spray.
  9. kix

    Winter Training!

    double the beer, wine and pasta intake. simulated cardio exercises and one arm bong lifts.
  10. KPLU is the best music station in the PNW.
  11. sure. it'll be day 4, but what the hell. I'm made of steel.
  12. I'm sure by now he is engaged to one, dating another and head over heels infatuated with a third. ugh.... thats in reference to girls not yaks. ideally.
  13. By radical departure, he means UN-American.
  14. "Carter: Americans were misled on war Former president says Bush policy is a 'radical departure' Friday, November 4, 2005; Posted: 10:24 p.m. EST (03:24 GMT) Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Former President Jimmy Carter said Friday that there isn't "any doubt" the American people were misled about the war in Iraq and that President George Bush's policy on the war is a "radical departure from the policies of any president."
  15. Bush: "we do not torture" "Cheney argues against torture restrictions" classic case of left hand right hand disconnect?
  16. american born again right wing christian fundamentalists do not care what the vatican says.
  17. Developed an incredible new bouldering area near to Seattle with numerous classic problems.
  18. its possibly a big goiter out the other sie of his neck.
  19. dunno. its odd how you can see thru a portion of the wind wing window. kinda looks like wrinkly material inside. something on the passenger seat? I can't muster much more interest in the mystery than that though.
  20. why photoshop this of all things? idiots drive into rivers and flash floods all the time. now if there was a shark coming up to devour the jeep....
  21. thats Rumr? I always suspected this place was full of fat cube dwellers.
  22. waters will part when that fatass gets out.
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