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Everything posted by kix

  1. apparently my IT dept filtered the pron linked image so your joke is not apparent. you should be more considerate to peeps who are at work and learn how to link images with a 'not work safe' warning instead of embedding them in the post. kook.
  2. yep. the film maker wanted rainbow people like you to feel included.
  3. kix


    I CRUSHED the pink taped problem in the gym. how was your bologna sammy in your cube?
  4. rumor is that the action in these movies was sooo hot it caused women in the audience to disrobe and invite the other audience memebers to touch and rub them all over with ice cubes when it premiered in salt lake city.
  5. that is not even pure jamming, there are holds inside the crack.
  6. riiiight. one word: PROBLEM
  7. boulder overhangs and roofs. sack up hikers.
  8. pub? slamming a sixer in the parking lot beneath you? you meet a fine class of peeps in a U dist parking lot.
  9. you can and should on taller hand crack problems. its helpful to be able to hang a chalk bucket half way up.
  10. I will be happy to lead anyone interested to an area on Si where the elk like to lounge away the day. I know where they like to hang. You must be willing to take a bull with just a hunting knife though.
  11. All the really big name stars of the Seattle Bouldering Scene will be there. Please do your best not to act like a bunch of fanboys.
  12. note that these are actual moving pictures. with synchronized recorded sound. the future of entertainment.
  13. October Fest Beer Brats and Burl tonite at vertical World Redmond
  14. kix

    Highway 2

    I have witnessed two deadly crashes and seen the aftermath of at least three more on Hwy 2. I no longer take hwy 2 to 11worth, I go via I90. If climbing in the SKY valley, I say ten hail marys and hack the foot off one of the neighbor kids bunnies.
  15. kix

    hey there

    triple post violation.
  16. started raining yesterday the minute I arrived at the rock.
  17. last minute lworth decisions are very risky. more planning and preperation is required before entering into that potentially dangerous environment. have you pulled all the necessary permits and secured all the appropriate govenmental permissions? is all of your safety gear up to snuff? is your leiderhosen sufficiently bavarian? do you have an icicle creek certification? obtainable via a 1/2 day class at the waffle house.
  18. kix


    its all about the protien powder, germ, flax seed oil and organic only fruit and juice/nectar. the rest is just smoothie dabbery.
  19. kix

    Photo Caption

    " there's that damn boulderer who's always popping off about roped climbing being assisted dabbery. dab this bitch"
  20. kix

    My stepfather....

    I'm just sayin, whenever someone tries to talk to me about jesus as a means to change my life, I want to kill myself just to get out of the conversation. see how jesus can work miracles?
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