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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Geez, who would want to live in an oppressive socialist myopia like that?!? apparently, you.
  2. what happened to planuj, rakhuj, vszystko na khuj??
  3. he probably hasn't gotten around to responding to your last message yet.
  4. yeah, but can you free solo Orbit off the couch with a watermelon tied to your ass???
  5. I'm afraid I am a hostage-taker. That must make me a terrorist - the REAL terrorist.
  6. not that there's anything wrong with that...
  7. i'm just hating 'cos xfit is ghey
  8. guess he wasn't into crossfit then, either.
  9. Really. I dont hear about daily attacks on American soil. Which news is reporting it? If you are referring to Americans being attacked in Iraq.....do you blame that county? If Iraq occupied America....would you want them out? Did they attack us on our soil? Before we occupied Iraq. If it were Iraquis, then no; but it isn't. We already took care of those terrorists:
  10. Pinot Noir and plank-grilled salmon
  11. I typically buy Chopin. I don't go over often enough to bring back anything. Besides, I tend to save my two-bottle customs limit for cognac and armagnac I picked up in the duty-free. The state-owned liquor stores here suck donkey dick and all stock the same mass-produced shite. I miss the good specialty stores in California... My favs are Zubrowka and Luksusowa but I can't really find them easily in EWash. There is a really good Fraser River Canadian Vodka, though can't recall the name off hand. I bought the Belvedere once... my recollection was that the bottle was pretty, but the contents not quite so impressive.
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    The Rapture. It seemed to have taken TTK as well. Who'd have thunk?
  13. try hitting harder what will I do in meetings then? play games on your blackberry
  14. try hitting harder
  15. I typically buy Chopin. I don't go over often enough to bring back anything. Besides, I tend to save my two-bottle customs limit for cognac and armagnac I picked up in the duty-free. The state-owned liquor stores here suck donkey dick and all stock the same mass-produced shite. I miss the good specialty stores in California... Amen to that, bratyku. I got a taste for Armenian cognac, and they don't have shit here. :-( The stores in Cali, OTOH...
  16. All libtards do is bitch - about everything. So I should fit right in with you folks.
  17. If I can get organized enough. It takes at least 2 hours to make a batch of that stuff...
  18. Heretic!!! The ideal accompaniment to vodka are pickles (or maybe marinated mushrooms) Sure, for an "appetizer". I'm talking about the main course. And I prefer ukrains'ka z percem, but that's me. My father in law detests Polish vodka for some reason, so we never buy it. Chopin is supposed to be quite good, and I liked it the time I tried it. Do you buy it locally, or have to bring "the good stuff" over when you visit Poland?
  19. Yes, we could go round in circles forever. We have no idea what the State spends on roadway maintenance and construction, nor how this stacks up with other states, or what it would cost to make overall improvements to what we have and how that would stack up. It boils down to this: you are critical of everything the government does just as a matter of principal and I argue that, yes, they are corrup and inefficient -- but so is private business. I actually think our government is OK even if our president is a crook and our State governor mediocre. You think our government sucks, and the president is mediocre while the governor is a crook. Mistrusting the government and power in general is healthy. Questioning where our money goes is my right, and also wise.
  20. Why? You getting horny? good one!
  21. we call it horilka, of course. :-)
  22. I didn't realize there was competition about the originas of barszcz... you guys have your own variant, we have ours. We call yours "barszcz ukrainski", and other than that it is made from beets it bears little resemblance to what I know as barszcz... Of course competing for who invented this poor man's stew is kinda like west virginia and kentucky hicks competing who came up with squirrel on a stick... sure it tastes good and is part of our heritage, but the rest of the world just doesn't get it. borshch and vodka (and fresh garlic). there's nothing better than that, man
  23. OK, this thread has almost run its course. Let's bring Anne Coulter into the discussion now.
  24. Montana has a state income tax. I don't know how the budge works but they do have a nice interstate maintained with federal dollars, and a network of state roads that receive very little traffic. look at the chart man. And the differential between total tax burden per capita in CA vs. WA is not that great - a couple of 100 dollars a year.
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