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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Ahh, now that's a point worthy of debate. Keep it private, but regulate it, and force these companies to be non-profits with no listing on the Dow Jones (or any market).
  2. And besides, fuck, man, since the VA is so awesome and so it the USPS, let's nationalize the whole fucking economy! go communism!
  3. your mom? So how many happy endings did you administer to your male "clientele" today, Mr. Size S Masseur?
  4. Yes, if it is the RIGHT thing to do and if it might actually SAVE US MONEY, why not? why don't you "chip in" buddy - with your own fucking money instead of forcing others to do so. oh, wait, that's a problem, huh? yeah, you are very good at spending someone else's cash.
  5. you morons do realize that this is not Spray?
  6. One thing to find out is how the descent is from Camp Curtis to the Emmons. It can be really nasty when the snow is gone.
  7. They're dust in the wind.
  8. But *my* side is DIFFERENT. Silly libturd. Are you one of those "Indyturds"? Or a "Greentard"? I'm a sprayt(u/a)rd.
  9. But *my* side is DIFFERENT. Silly libturd.
  10. Well, the dude's got balls to stick with his real name for 7 years.
  11. I actually know a guy named Osama, so it's an easy typo. He's a cool guy.
  12. Still, good job!
  13. Ad campaigns are only part of the picture. Libturd talking heads on the media, spokesman, etc. are just as significant. We've already got the "age" question thrown all over the place, jokes about viagra, senility, etc. Then there's the attacks on his failed first marriage, his current wife, whether he's really a "hero" or not. Par for the course. The only reason you notice or care about the Osama attack ad under discussion, and consider it "out of hand" is because he's "your guy".
  14. 2am???!!! Now that's dedication!
  15. he's not "my" man, pidgeonholer. So I take it you'll be abstaining from voting this fall? Hmmm? for president, maybe. Obamalama is a shoe-in for WA's electoral votes anyway.
  16. What is a "contard"? here you go
  17. he's not "my" man, pidgeonholer.
  18. It's par for the course. The Dems are no different.
  19. Here we go. I assume you're talking about the old guy and not Obama, who was in what, 2nd grade when that was going on? This is more of the right-wingers vacant attempts to conduct the usual character assination. Damn. When we have so many serious issues to put on the table and debate it's pathetic that this kinda crap comes up every election cycle. And no, I'm not confident in the ability of Americans to filter this stuff and critically analyze the issues. Look who was voted in for two terms. Gotta laugh at how you simultaneously mockingly refer to McCain as the "old guy" and then whine like a little girl about "character assassination" w/r/t your candidate. Typical libturd hypocrisy. ummm, i think he was talking about the mr ayers, not mccain..... would this qualify as a typical right-wing knee-jerk? Now that you've joined in with Jimbo it's a full on libturd circle-jerk.
  20. Here we go. I assume you're talking about the old guy and not Obama, who was in what, 2nd grade when that was going on? This is more of the right-wingers vacant attempts to conduct the usual character assination. Damn. When we have so many serious issues to put on the table and debate it's pathetic that this kinda crap comes up every election cycle. And no, I'm not confident in the ability of Americans to filter this stuff and critically analyze the issues. Look who was voted in for two terms. Gotta laugh at how you simultaneously mockingly refer to McCain as the "old guy" and then whine like a little girl about "character assassination" w/r/t your candidate. Typical libturd hypocrisy.
  21. That's actually another McCain home. Seems Cindy is a bit of a cyber-clepto...
  22. Sweet! Get on it then, dOOd!
  23. You wouldn't tell them to at least get fit first? I just looked at the AAI web site, and they have a comment to that effect. A lot of beginners have never carried more than a day pack, yet alone 40-45lbs up 4000+ elevation gain in a day.
  24. Hello Jason, What would YOUR recommendations be for someone new who is trying to get into climbing before signing up for a course run by a professional climbing guide? I'm talking about one of those multi-day intro courses which is gonna run over $1000. Is it totally fine to come in as a complete novice, or better for folks to get some experience first (nail down clothing systems, get reasonably fit, get on some steep terrain, hit a climbing gym, do some snowshoeing, etc). I'd kind of recommend the latter for folks - just curious what you would advise.
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