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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. and the Bush Library has one book more than yours.
  2. At this point: Lives lost.....thats about it. they say ignorance is bliss. you must be in a permanent, infinite state of it.
  3. you're not down with bush? that's sickie
  4. I don't doubt that trigger happy jar heads can't wait to get some action in with a real enemy. Go git them commie bastards, boy! Since you dispatched those towel heads in Iraqistan with such ease, god-less pinkos should be a pushover. Quick , get Rummy back in the Pentagon to formulate the war plan. Semper fi. You seem like a violent person. I suggest a peace keeping mission and all you can think about is killing commies. Perhaps you should go back to playing counter strike and have your mummy bring you another hotpocket and mountain dew. Canadians =
  5. Absolutely! The organic farm is way better than Foster Farms. The hens here are great. And at the other place there was a huge jersey giant that used to kick my ass. Here, I've made top rooster and now I'm in charge. Run into any bad ass drakes lately...? Question is - has he run into any chicken hawks lately?
  6. The rule is 16 by end of year. Clearly, the rule is not enforceable. Oh, I did not know there were age limits. Interesting. China was questioned on this and showed the girls' passports, issued by the Chinese government. See? They are too 16!
  7. they're just pieces of meat in the Chinese machine. taken from their parents at age 3. "retired" at 17.
  8. The rule is 16 by end of year. Clearly, the rule is not enforceable.
  9. Does anyone believe the girl on the gymnast team are 16? They faked the fireworks, they faked the opening ceremonies (lip synch). The Commie lies are everywhere.
  10. Hind-sight is 20/20. Russia made a huge gamble doing what they did. They were opportunistic and gambled and won. Save Russia interveening, there is no reason why Georgia couldn't have retaken Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Now, given the fact that the West is tied up in other conflicts, the timing seemed rather shitty for Georgia. They have had this dispute for what? 17 years? Why, now, would they do such a thing? Perhaps Russia should finance the reconstruction. Seems like if they really wanted to just save the ethnic Russians, they would love to rebuild and give the areas' leadership somehting to work with. Russia instigated the whole incident. "Concern" for "ethnic Russians" is just a bullshit propaganda. They manufacture these "concerns" to support aggression against their neighbors.
  11. What exactly went out behind the scenes to make Russia pull out so quickly? I think the US threatened to immediately admit Ukraine into NATO.
  12. So, the choice is clear. If you hate "chickenhawks", then you must not vote for Obama. Thanks Mtn. Mouse!
  13. If folks are so worried about the Chickenhawks, then the choice is clear: McCain. Not only did he serve and see combat, but his own son is on active duty and probably in harms way even as we speak. Hear that Mtn Mouse!?
  14. At least he didn't piss off pretty much the entire rest of the world You sure about that? There were plenty of nations that were pissed off by this act of US aggression (Serbia).
  15. OW, which one of the ammendments in the Bill or Rights says the government is responsible for assuring universal health care coverage? Just curious.
  16. Could you rent the house?
  17. McCain. Obama would be dull as hell.
  18. I biked today. Leaving in 5 minutes.
  19. are you a 'bot? this is ridiculous. go back to your "dialog" with FW.
  20. I'd share that room with you, too. You can back up your buddy Fairweather and Canyondweller can watch. no thanks, dude.
  21. you guys should get a room
  22. The best president was the one who had the most fun.
  23. also known as mouth wash? or is that aftershave?
  24. It's good to be the King.
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