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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Are you trying to convince me that VA benefits should be cut or restricted, or dependent on combat service or years of duty? Try hard enough, and maybe I could agree with you on that.
  2. If you can't see the difference between service in military and its concomitant benefits and simply existing, then you're in the same intellectual bin as kboner.
  3. weak.
  4. Good idea. Start with Kboner. No I'm thinking you, buddy boy. You haven't really done shit for this country, have you? fuck you asshole
  5. Define wealthy. The people who can fuck over 100 million people with one phone call. Obama and Hillary fit that description.
  6. Good idea. Start with Kboner. No I'm thinking you, buddy boy. You haven't really done shit for this country, have you? We might be able to appease the terrorists with periodic blood sacrifices. You could serve this country quite well in this capacity. I'd be willing to chip in for the one-way plane ticket - a great service for this country.
  7. I thought you said that government provision of healthcare services = socialism. Quit being obtuse. VA benefits are not a transfer payment or wealth distribution, they are payment for services rendered to our nation.
  8. you'll be awfully lonely on your death bed. must be a real bummer. enjoy your nothingness.
  9. Good idea. Start with Kboner.
  10. Oh I disagree, I think we should close down all the military hospitals right now. If those veterans want medical treatment they should get a better job and buy insurance and stop sponging off all us hardworking taxpayers. VA Benefits are NOT socialism. They were paid for by service to our country as part of the "benefits package", if you will. This service is NOT a transfer payment. "Universal health care" OTOH is all about taking money from one group of people giving it to another - FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN THEIR RESIDENCY/CITIZENSHIP. They did nothing to earn this benefit, unlike our veterans. Try again - your argument sucks.
  11. Define wealthy.
  12. The interference will be some half-assed "solution", an empty gesture which solves nothing, but gives the public the impression of an accomplishment. That's what we are headed for with this. The result will be more of a cluster-f***, as usual.
  13. You atheists are all the same. Infinitely cynical. No surprise, since you have nothing to believe in (or hope for)
  14. Right, there's a bunch of confusion and bullshit rhetoric, and what we'll see is more government meddling and a more f-d up system than what we already have.
  15. Government provided services in a single-payer system = socialism. Make up whatever euphemisms you want, it's still socialism. Why are you afraid of this word? It's what you want. Embrace it!
  16. A "subsidy" IS redistribution of wealth. The gov't collects the money from one group of people and hands it off to another. Duh. Requires people to buy insurance? What a joke. I thought the insurance companies were part of the problem. Forcing people who are uninsured to buy insurance is tyranny at a minimum and only contributes to the problem What I see most cc.com'ers talking about is a "single payer" system - where the gov't is the payer. There is no insurance company. The gov'e pays the medical bills, funded by tax dollars. And certain Americans (taxpayers) will be footing the bill for everyone. Redistribution of wealth.
  17. the president praying has nothing to do w/ the separation of church and state... but it does have everything to do w/ his freedom of religion. ever heard of that? If he prays, then gets a message from God and acts on it, that is not a separation of church and state. He better not be praying the oval office. At least not on our time. You're such a stupid ass, boner, really. You want to bet that Clinton did not pray while in office? On YOUR time? And Carter? Kennedy? Johnson? FDR? Truman? You think they were atheists?
  18. You will never get 100% coverage. Ever. For those who need services and don't get it, you support charities. Private. I'm sure you'd be willing to volunteer time, money or support to them, right? If you really care, that is. Which you do, right? Oh, wait, you want somebody ELSE to make those financial sacrifices, time commitments, etc, of course.
  19. Russia Yeah, the US will really intervene militarily against Russia. Even with all our forces pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and doubling of our military personnel. Not gonna happen.
  20. Your buddy Obama is a Christian and attends Church, boner.
  21. If He is one and the same, then yes. I'll always agree with that sentiment with a Muslim before agreeing against Him with an atheist.
  22. The "current" proposals? By whom? The average leftist on this web site is for nationalizing health care, irrespective of what a particular national candidate is supposedly proposing (at the moment - that changes with the wind). Universal health care is all about wealth redistribution at the very least. Take taxes from one set of people to pay for someone else's insurance. The rich? Hardly - more like anyone who has a job. That is by definition socialism. All transfer payments are wealth-distribution and are socialist programs.
  23. Ever heard of separation of church and state? The US has never elected an atheist. And never will, God willing.
  24. yeah, join the Christian-haters, Bug. God forbid the president believes he should pray for guidance and act accordingly to those beliefs.
  25. "Socialism refers to any of various economic and political concepts of state or collective (i.e. public) ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods and services," Government ownership of health care insurance, administration of it, and distribution of health care goods and services. Yep, sounds like socialism to me.
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