Wrong. The economy only recovered after the War Machine revitalized it. Nice try though.
Why didi WWII bring us out of the depression? Oh yeah, massive government spending,huge deficits, large government project (ships, tanks etc) and a huge increase in the the number of people hired by the government (army) People always like to us WWII as proof that the New Deal didn't work and that only the war turned things around. The New Deal wasn't big enough, it took a real crisis (war) and really massive government spending (war) to end the depression. So KKK, if you think WWII ended the Great Depression, your really arguing that what we need right now is more government spending?
1) WWII is *not* part of the New Deal.
2) War is not socialism.
3) If you agree that massive military spending is the way out of recessions/depressions in general, then Obama needs to invade a few countries. Of course our recent massive military spending hasn't seemed to do us much good.
Your arguments are weak and simpleminded.