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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. somebody call the waaaaaambulance. Fucking Canuck pussy whiners. Measured against your brave keyboard contributions to the defense of freedom, a couple score deaths of pussy Canadian soldiers is soooooo diminutive. *yawn* The point is - it's a joke. Get over it. It's not like Canucks aren't constantly insulting Americans, or Americans are mocking themselves. As for brave keyboard monkeys, look in the mirror you wanker.
  2. no complaints here. i despise you all
  3. somebody call the waaaaaambulance. Fucking Canuck pussy whiners.
  4. Black Bush
  5. Apparently it took ten thousand posts before everyone put me on ignore.
  6. Ignominous milestone or badge of honor?
  7. Find a partner (hopefully who has been out) and do some snow and rock scrambles - routes you may need an ice axe, crampons, and helmut, but no rope. Ideas? Adams/S. Spur, Mt. Daniel, Snow King, Sahale/S. Side, Snoqualmie Peak, Red Mountain, Kaleetan, Vesper, Sperry, etc.
  8. If there were a Special Olympics for the socially retarded, you'd be as prolific a winner as Michael Phelps.
  9. [video:youtube]5D_rwir4D_I
  10. not that i've been to any of those places, but i can't imagine they're any worse than tibet or the tien shen? erm, much better access? The surfings much better too and so is the food, and the "atmosphere", so I hear.
  11. awww, tvash, why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel? actually, both programs are kindegarden through senior year of high school, so the students will remember just fine into their twenties... No the vast majority certainly will not. We're talking about Americans here.
  12. SS: posts > 1500, TRs 0 Looks like you're standing on thin ground, there. Dumbass.
  13. Yeah, climbing should be the basis for your foreign language choice. Dumbass. Based on who our trading partner - and largest geopolitical rival is - I vote for Chinese. Kids can learn enough Spanish to converse with their housekeeper or the guy selling tacos at the drive-up trunk at work by listening to a few tapes in the car.
  14. Have some Knob Creek. That should soothe your stomach.
  15. Just think what Obama would have to say about Kevbone
  16. Kevbone: I'd tell you to go out, let loose and be stupid, but...
  17. He needs to whine about me. Again. The only posts consistantly more tiring and grating than my posts. Perhaps someday we can meet face to face and you can then assess whether I am whining or not. Are you threatening me? Get a fucking grip loser. I don't thtreaten people. That is your cowardly style. So read your own post. My point is that you hide behind an avatar when you tell a total stranger that you should have capped him. If you want to live long, you should try not to threaten strangers' lives. You are just lucky I am not crazy enough to threaten, incite, or commit violence. So stop whinning, man up, and apologize for talking about murdering me like anyone with a shred of common decency would do. Umm, this isn't spray.
  18. if that's the primary criterion, than have her take ebonics
  19. Not at an educated level. Go with Chinese.
  20. Don't you need a fish and wildlife permit to park at Vantage? What is that money being used for - enforcement of the permit?
  21. For once you are making sense, stupid.
  22. In your opinion. why don't you think a 16 year old climber can know what they're doing? Why don't you come up here, climb with me for a couple days and then tell me that to my face. Didn't you accidentally leave your ice tools at a rap station this winter and have to retrieve them the next day? What other mistakes are you capable of making? What other experience do you lack? Do you know? I'm not trying to feed you shit, I'm simply trying to point out that many boys your age suffer from the diseases of hubris and narcissism. Don't confuse natural talent with experience, for example. 16 year old males are disposable by nature, you included, so don't think you're hot shit just yet. You owe a partner more than that. And I'll say anything to your face, puke, so don't go too far down that road. Dude, WTF????
  23. Chinese.
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    Now, that's change I can believe in!
  25. KaskadskyjKozak


    PORTER = baa Keep GGK away...
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