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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Rudy: 40 is a good age to take up ice-climbing ;-)
  2. will you stop whining then?
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Ya, academic publishing is the biggest scam out there. They purposefully update the editions of books every year (often with minimal content changes) to hurt the resale value of older texts. Thank goodness for international editions available for a quarter of the price, legal or not. The purpose is also for lazy professors to meet their "publishing requirement". Many universities require that a professor publish every few years. An incremental new edition/update is the path of least resistance to meet this req.
  4. Ludwig had issues, to be sure. And Wolfgang was a party-boi, yes. But we're talking about the cinemagraphic merits of these films, not the lifestyles or peccadillos of their subjects, are we not? Immortal Beloved sucked. Terrible film.
  5. KaskadskyjKozak


  6. KaskadskyjKozak


    true true I can't remember who said it but.... "writers, no matter how ugly, drunk, or otherwise objectionable always have pretty wives." Hey Selkirk! Tried any good whisky recently? Just about to finish a bottle of Laphroaig Quarter Cask And did finish a bottle of Drambuie last night How is the Quarter Cask? How does it compare with the L 15-year?
  7. KaskadskyjKozak


    true true I can't remember who said it but.... "writers, no matter how ugly, drunk, or otherwise objectionable always have pretty wives." Hey Selkirk! Tried any good whisky recently?
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    I graduated with an engineering degree in the UC system. One of the best course sequences I had to take for my GE requirements was the dreaded 5-course "Humanities" sequence at Revelle College (UCSD). A couple 6-unit B's dropped my GPA, but I remember those classes as being some of the best I took. Some of the engineering classes were the most useless, OTOH. But I agree with you that the esoteria involved with comparative literature and people dedicating their lives to it is a bit over the top.
  9. Great job! How many hours did it take you car to car?
  10. It's only been 3 days. Shit, I hope you don't check your 401(k) balance this often. ;-)
  11. Dude, you are obsessed with Obama
  12. Ha ha! Your standards will drop as you age:-) You watch! if she were wearing a teddy emblazened with the image of Che, prole would be all hot and bothered. that or put a rubber lenin mask over her head
  13. are you talking about k-boner, your latest herpes outbreak, or your cast?
  14. LOL
  15. cool, except you have to grow your fingernails on your picking hand like a chick.
  16. I'm sure tovarish Prole has a 5-year plan to address the problem.
  17. The real question for Prole is "Canada or Cuba". I'm still willing to chip in $50 for that one-way ticket for comrade Prole...
  18. Drink before bed: 100 ml of vodka with a squeeze of lime, and a teaspoon of honey - stirred.
  19. The American people did not vote for a maverick, they voted for change. Looks like they got neither.
  20. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yngve may be missing vowels, but he's got bowels. As evidenced by this thread
  21. KaskadskyjKozak


    first prole, now sobo, looking for spank material
  22. KaskadskyjKozak


    this thread is almost as stupid as a boner "best-xxx in music thread"
  23. certainly not with your degree
  24. good on you, Prole - head on out and earn some cash to pay off those loans!
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