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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. i had a nice 3-course meal. some white burgundy with the 1st course, finished off some barbera with the second, and washed down with a bit of calvados.
  2. the bottom line is this: beggars can't be choosers if these fucks are going to take "bailout" money from the taxpayer, there should be a shitload of strings attached. period.
  3. Exactly - you call 'em as you see 'em - through racist-tinged glasses.
  4. Gimme a break. Anyone who doesn't see your post and its subject line as overt racism spewing from your race-obsessed, racist mind barely rates a response much less a debate on this.
  5. Prole is a racist pig.
  6. i posted this poll right after I saw Sobo post and then he disappeared. so my vote is for one minute after i posted the poll
  7. sweet
  8. why don't *you* go and post a TR? ;-)
  9. When will Sobo start his w/e today?
  10. well, if the Lord made her "infertile", than the Lord's work is to accept that. of course in this case, "infertility" is about as ridiculous as k-boner's average cc.com posting.
  11. i got a whole ton of that stuff leftover...plus, they gave me some kind of "accelerant" that you take with the vicodin...put me into orbit...weird weird dreams... betcha can't wait to get back on the slopes, eh?
  12. this is far worse: providing *fertility* treatment for someone that has 6 kids already is like giving ttk breast-augmentation surgery - and making the rest of us pay for the associated costs.
  13. Nope. She had 6. Then gave birth to 8. Now she has 14! And she lives with her parents. I think there is somebody with way too many loose screws. At least she is available for all you single men. Why the f*** would someone with 6 kids be given *fertility treatment*. Does this exemplify what we have to look forward to -multiplied by an order of magnitude - with universal health care? linky
  14. linky
  15. Jeeeeeeez, man. You are one bitter fucking tool. It doesn't always have to be about the evil empire. Noting the role of space exploration in propaganda makes one a "bitter fucking tool"? You clearly can't open your mouth without revealing your cluelessness. Jackass. GO LICK SACK, PINKO GOON
  16. why the hell are you encouraging k-boner??!?!?!?!
  17. RuMR: you are turning into Kevbone
  18. Cool! Post your trepanation how-to on Youtube!
  19. way to "embrace the suck" TTK!
  20. Last weekend at alpental sucked ass. I noticed Stevens got 7-9 inches yesterday. Has anyone been there since then? Is the skiing decent there now?
  21. Damn straight!
  22. Glad we did that here and sent the Idiot back to his village to clear brush. Bush wasn't running for office. His 2 terms expired. Dumbass.
  23. I finally coughed up the $$ for a good helmet this year - before that I used a beanie cap. I bought a Giro Fuse and like it a lot.
  24. So does it go from a slow decomposing state to a faster one next week? you tell us ;-)
  25. more spank material for Prole
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