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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. humans in general are cheer-leaders for that shit, esse - the capitalist system has hardly demonstrated forebearance in war, has it? Whatever
  2. This is sticking it to the man? Fighting "FOR" himself, and not "AGAINST" himself? Well, I hope those nasty shopkeepers learned their lesson. Prole is showing what he and all Marxists have always stood for: violence and chaos.
  3. TTK mistook him for a bear claw and ate him
  4. Someone should tell them they can save even more money by buying some webbing and tying a swami belt.
  5. "Climbing Shoes Climbing your local crag in $150 climbing shoes is like biking to the store on a $4000 racing bicycle. It makes you look like a tool. Climbing shoes are necessary for difficult climbs and advanced cliffs, but your local crags can most likely be climbed in tennis shoes. I have several friends who climb intense routes in hiking boots."
  6. [video:youtube]IWskfDaNPnM
  7. STFU boner
  8. You have something in common with them then!
  9. ... at your bitch-titties
  10. More true colors from the violent, hate-filled, murderous left.
  11. pizda ty zhopoglaznaya
  12. ask j_b to tell you about the middle and moderates. the dude is such an expert on political identification a legend in his own mind
  13. was he also a sheep shagger?
  14. Hey j_b, go fuck yourself (not like you don't already)
  15. LOL. You just said "welcome". Wrong phrase, dude.
  16. yes, you are. thanks for admitting it, fuckwad
  17. The true colors of the left: murder and chaos.
  18. Your Uncle Joe:
  19. Why exactly do you want to see his picture, you perv?
  20. Ah, yes, the mass graves in the woods. It's what people of your political philosophy do best.
  21. sure - we are none of us angels and must use the political winds to our advantage - the difference here is that the repulicunts ARE more corrupt, as is plainly obvious by their continious advocation of tax breaks for the rich, the expansion of a global empire that further enrichs them and their desire to kill programs that benefit the non-rich, not to mention their complete moral hypocrisy on a host of issues, most humorously sexual ones the unfortunate choice of most ballts is between the corrpt politician and the waaaaaay corrupt one What a fucking joke.
  22. yeah,right. Like you sing that tune at every R scandal.
  23. Bundle it up.
  24. Except 16 of the 22 times it was used, reconciliation was used by a Republican majority. Hmmm. it WOULD be arrogant for the dems to think they could be as malicious assmunches as their Esteemed Colleagues Across the Isle What's your beef with the Brits?
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