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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Even a quick study of the court and its rulings indicates 'Originalist versus Activist' more accurately describes the taxonomy of the justices that 'Corpo-Nazi Fuck' and (presumably) 'anti-Corpo-Nazi fuck'. This well established and described difference in judicial philosophy has far more to do with the consideration given to the potential impacts of decisions than whatever labels the Daily Kos came up with that week. It always annoys me when there is a 5-4 decision. It seems at that level the minimum should be 6-3 for a ruling to actually take effect.
  2. Methinks you're not much older than me OW...
  3. Nope, try again. Hint: it's about your blatant hypocrisy. Yoda say: "Shallow, and not very smart you are." I'll take your above posted picture-response as a threat. It's been noted and shared. that's a picture of you, dude.
  4. Nope, try again. Hint: it's about your blatant hypocrisy. Yoda say: "Shallow, and not very smart you are."
  5. line in the sand??!?!??! you obviously know NOTHING about archaeology!
  6. In the real world of work, people who never play hooky are valuable employees. I've missed about 2 days in 7 years at this job. I'm proud of the fact that I don't play hooky, and I don't get sick...knock on wood.... Well, a lot of the people who "brag" about not missing work are also not taking vacation days. In fact they allow accrued vacation time to expire (as per their company's vacation policy). As for not getting sick. Are you going to work sick? Because that is rude - and typical of the bragging from those who don't "miss work". Many companies these days combine sick and vacation days to avoid the whole "hooky" issue. The result seems to be folks being more reluctant to take a sick day since it is taken out of PTO.
  7. Nope, try again. Hint: it's about your blatant hypocrisy.
  8. Not everything should be "for profit". Duh.
  9. I disagree. That's the old LAME excuse that as long as there is a bigger mess somewhere else, you don't have to deal with the smaller ones. Why is something like an open pit coal mine a "mess"? Why make a normative statement about a particular fact of our technological existence? Open pit coal mines, like bolts, are neither good nor bad, but extensions of the technological world onto the natural. We are organic components of the technological world, using our biologic energy to enact the localized/delocalized "mind" of the/our technological consciousness. Your morals are a relic from a distant organic past. I can't believe I actually agree with you 100% on something, CB! BTW, what is the difference between the blight that is a strip mine and the blight of the Valley of the Kings?
  10. start by mandating that insurance companies are non-profit
  11. Did FW hack jb's password? *yawn* get a life
  12. Unless his children exercise and avoid a McDonald's diet...
  13. KaskadskyjKozak


    wtf dude? didn't you have your ice axe? you could have planted that in that fucking beast's skull and then fed it to the marmots fed it to the marmots? Fuck that. Fucking pit bulls. I would have worn it's face like a mask while I beat the owners with their dog's headless corpse. !!!!!
  14. KaskadskyjKozak


    wtf dude? didn't you have your ice axe? you could have planted that in that fucking beast's skull
  16. immolation in the catholic church was commmon in the past but usually not self-inflicted nor did the victim die w/o shrieking in agonizing pain or moving a muscle! I believe that usually those burned at the stake died of smoke inhalation, not burns.
  17. How do you define middle-class, and what data set confirms that it's disappearing? Most of the data that I've seen tells a different story depending on the statistical categories that the analyst chooses. "Households" seem to be a favorite despite the fact that the composition of the average household has changed significantly over the interval being considered, a household for demographic group A isn't the same as an average household for group B, the quintiles being compared don't contain the same number of people, the composition of the average income (money-wages vs benefits vs subsidies vs tax credits etc) differs between groups and quintiles, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Below for example, you've got the same data, parsed with different statistical categories. Agree with your sentiments about the current national hardships vs the depression though. BFD. There is a little thing called inflation to consider as well
  18. If you wait for a trip report/beta there will be massive crowds there who also read the report.
  19. I'd rather be in the mountains thinking about God, than in Church thinking about the mountains.
  20. Why do you guys keep starting threads when we have this perfectly good one already!??!
  21. The point of the site is climbing. I don't understand anyone who is pure spray in general, but all the more so when their posts are mono-dimensional. There are plenty of internet sites to discuss US politics.
  22. Bullshit. Big difference. Maybe if you spent a little less time on your self-delusional think-tank analyses of politics and endless tirades you could climb on the weekends instead of working them. I propose that you two go climbing, together. Preferably to some place likely to involve lots of tent time, like southeast Alaska. Your combined energies will result in some huge sends and you'll solve the worlds problems at the same time! While we're at it, how about some other therapeutic partnerships: -Prole/Fairweather -Choada Boy/Raindawg who else? I was reserving my next nemesis outing with you SS
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