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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. where is your tiara, princess? Hot Carl is the one who wears a tiara... under his miter as he "role-plays" with prole.
  2. LOL. Compared to *you*?
  3. your kind is always good with "re-education" (camps)
  4. Spoken like the true son of a country known for its lousy beer, shitty wine, crap whiskey and liquor laws that would make Pennsylvania or Taxachussets blush. amen, brother!
  5. I'm laughing at your team too. GO CANADA! 5-3 Canada 9 wins 0 losses, USA 2 wins 7 losses. a: Curling q: whats gayer than Feck and Hot Carl on a ski tour? fixed that for ya
  6. Hey Sobo, drink what you like and like what you drink... that's all that matters, right? no shit. kbone drinks jenkem and loves it!
  7. I'm laughing at your team too. GO CANADA! Yeah, GO CANADA!
  8. Threatening to kill people on the Inter Glacier?
  9. Hey kettle STFU! I laugh all the team. Mostly, at, not with people like you.
  10. man, you're an assclown do you ever have fun, laugh, or do anything but bitch about how horrible life in the US is?
  11. So what you are saying is that 20% of people should suffer because "they don't deserve" healthcare so that .1% of 80% who need expensive procedures can get them? nope
  12. Maybe you could travel to Thailand for some affordable, prosthetic testicals, j_b?
  13. Well-off americans don't go to Canada for treatment. I guess socializing their medical system has a lowering effect on quality at the higher levels of treatment in the aggregate. No surprises there. Socialism is great at lowering the bar. Even if what you you said was true (which it isn't), would maintaining a platinum-plated, elite-only boutique system of health care be worth it if it meant large numbers would go without entirely? Curious vision of freedom you have there. If 80% of Americans have coverage for great care - that's better than 100% of coverage where the quality drops enough to force people to leave the country to get the care they need... if they can afford it. Why don't you just study something useful so you can get a job with coverage, Prole? I mean, after you move out from your Mom's house.
  14. Well-off americans don't go to Canada for treatment. I guess socializing their medical system has a lowering effect on quality at the higher levels of treatment in the aggregate. No surprises there. Socialism is great at lowering the bar.
  15. unless you base your conclusions on things like evidence,... You mean like your rich fleeing to the US for treatment? Including politicians (see top of thread). Apparently Canadians have no clue what "evidence" is.
  16. Yeah, more disaggregated bullshit lacking any historical context as to how households have changed over the last fifty years and the increased costs for those households on things like, oh you know, health care. What a laugh. If you weren't so busy cherry picking and digging up obscure "news of the weird" nonsense like "Canadian Politician Goes To America For Operation" to uphold your failed theories while shit falls apart, you might actually help clean up the mess you've been cheerleading for since you started imitating Michael J Fox's character on Family Ties when you were 8 years old. Dick Cheney asked me to tell you to go fuck yourself, Prole.
  17. Well, sure, but what they don't tell you is that none of those hospitals in Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa or Toronto perform the procedure in Florida. It's February, for crissakes. Who wants to go to Montreal or Ottawa in bloody February? The only thing that confuses me about this scenario is that this guy is presumably as well positioned as anyone to asses the treatment options available to him in Canada, and better positioned than anyone to understand the extent to which he'll be exposing himself to charges of hypocrisy if news of his surgery goes public - so why on earth does he take the flight to Florida instead of getting treated with the exact same procedure just as promptly in Canada? Because treatment in Canada sucks
  18. Prole, I hope your Mom is OK with you posting her photos on cc.com
  19. There's no need to question why someone would jump at the opportunity to leave Canada.
  20. You should go to France or Sweden. Oh, wait, you are too stupid to learn a foreign language.
  21. Why don't you go to another country for medical care? Why don't you go to another country period?
  22. But Canada's health care is so much better than ours! WTF?!?!?!
  23. KaskadskyjKozak

    Poor Dick

    Rich Richard
  24. Yes, as you get above Source Lake. Lower down the crampons on snow shoes make the cat track easier to hike (it's icy).
  25. We had headlamps on until Source Lake. :-)
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