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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. strange, I had a different impression for some reason. Didn't Trash say you walked around quoting Beowulf?
  2. dude, where the fuck do you get shit like that?
  3. And how many TRs do you have? Or posts discussing anything other than how shitty the US is?
  4. Yes, an annoying character, not too different from j_b or prole (I can't deal with reality and life!!!). But the book is well-written and very memorable and unique. Did you read his short-stories? That Bananafish story is fucking disturbing.
  5. Bullshit. Big difference. Maybe if you spent a little less time on your self-delusional think-tank analyses of politics and endless tirades you could climb on the weekends instead of working them.
  6. *yawn* You're a kook. Nothing more. BTW, do you do/think about ANYTHING besides politics and how "shitty" life is in the US?
  7. Your sig line is sick, dude.
  8. More in a year than you will in a lifetime
  9. R.I.P.
  10. He's organizing the community allright. A little projection, eh? Considering you and your agenda is the one eating shit right now...
  11. You expected more from a "Community Organizer". Man, you are stupid.
  12. Chicken Little, the sky is falling!!!!!!! Your alarmism is a joke.
  13. j_b thinks that endless bitching will eventually solve it. gotta give him an "E" for effort on that one.
  14. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yes. The approach.
  15. KaskadskyjKozak


  16. KaskadskyjKozak


    and yet you did it anyway you dumb fuck
  17. you should have smeared it with maple glaze, and ate it.
  18. I can only imagine the stench that you would produce while working out, and yes, it would be enough to kill.
  19. If they grey/white is an attempt to ban me, it's working... +1
  20. I agree. And voting the R's back in will not change this either. So, we are fucked.
  21. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  22. The policies "how we got here" are being continued by Barry. And Americans see that.
  23. What? no red-baiting today? today, is 'let's play the sympathy card' day? and don't confuse being full of oneself and not letting you get away with pretending ignorance about your long term support for the plutocracy that led us to bankruptcy. True story: I laughed so loudly when I read this that someone outside my office asked me what was so funny! So what exactly did cause our massive debt Peter? Or is it a healthy thing? Was it because Ben Sheets signed with the As? Was it because the iPhone has no video camera? EDUCATE US PETER! What's an iPhone?
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