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Everything posted by snugtop

  1. snugtop

    Mixed Drinks Thread

    That makes me think of the "Iron Bartender" party my friend hosts each year...two teams, one secret ingredient...multiple rounds...fuzzy memories. The best secret ingredient so far was miso paste.
  2. someone registered "snugcrop" (not me)
  3. this is lame...who cares how many calories it burns if it's fun...kinda like those Cosmo articles about out how many calories having sex burns...
  4. reading My Life, by Bill
  5. I was wrong about that Briton He gave your mitten to his kitten who dragged it into the litter box along with two wool socks Let's just hope that cat's not shittin'..
  6. OK, Kirk. Any guesses what the blob is?
  7. Snoboy wants the year on the found dime I think it's 1999 or else it's 2003-- but why would he believe me? I've never been on that climb.
  8. The climber named Wally lost his mitten Perhaps it was picked up by a Briton who's wearing it now and wiping his brow wondering why the mitten's not fittin'
  9. If this rig's a rockin', don't come a knockin'
  10. snugtop


    snugtop otter hound
  11. snugtop


    OK, here's my contribution. Annabelle, this one's for you! There once was a climber named Bond of her, many gapers were fond She fondled her ice tools Men swooned like fools But she made it up Everest, that blond
  12. Dr Travis Robertson, West Seattle Animal Hospital, is great. And they are open Sundays.
  13. snugtop


    I think jjd needs to contribute a limerick.
  14. snugtop


    good ones, but the best limericks are bawdy. More limericks!!
  15. snugtop

    Bad Photo Contest

    Actually, when he asked me where my pack was, I pointed to my partner and said "Right there" just to agitate him.
  16. snugtop

    Bad Photo Contest

    Not only was I ski-less, I got bitched at by a Mountie for not carrying a pack to the summit.
  17. snugtop

    Bad Photo Contest

    Ran outta space on the camera..prolly a good thing. And I thought duct tape was only useful for homeland security!
  18. snugtop

    Bad Photo Contest

    OK, Dru...you asked...here are my nasty feet before hiking Mt Adams last Monday.
  19. IG I think think this is a great idea. If I don't have to work late I will be there.
  20. Squidster, you were up spraying too late! You were sposed to meet me an hour ago!
  21. can I practice my rest-steppin'?
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