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Everything posted by snugtop

  1. snugtop

    red hair

    Is this the redhead of whom you speak? hmmm....I can't seem to get that image up
  2. snugtop

    red hair

    Don't give her enough time to do a background check, right Greg?
  3. snugtop

    red hair

    Oddly, I find myself agreeing with Greg here.
  4. snugtop

    red hair

    I didn't say he should call her 8 times in a row. Once is enough, Lummy.
  5. snugtop

    red hair

    Call her now if you like her. Don't listen to these poor bastards.
  6. snugtop

    fart machine

    "exhaustive" research -- good one!
  7. Agreed. Awesome movie.
  8. Ooooh, a Mother's Day sale...do you think Mom would prefer the "My climbing partner is totally gay" sticker or the "What Would Jesus Climb" T Shirt?
  9. I recommend Snuggles fabric softener. Your camos will be extra fluffy.
  10. No way, did Greg just bail from the debate because it got too ugly? This from a guy who, two pages back, wrote, "I'd have several JHPs bouncing around in your chest cavity before you could get that fucker loaded."
  11. I'm with Matt and Allison on the Alehouse.
  12. All this talk of firearms actually makes me nostalgic for the _Nodder thread...
  13. 2 Bells has decent pub food.
  14. snugtop

    Peace Offer

    Quoth the Otter: "Noddermore"
  15. "A male will often bite a female’s nose and hold on until he has satisfied his lust. Sometimes females die from this experience." That otter oughta fought her way, or blew some snotter.
  16. snugtop

    Peace Offer

    Funny, I thought this post said Peace Otter at first.
  17. does otter sauce taste like oyster sauce? Or like chicken?
  18. Steaksauce gets my vote for most infectious Spray Transmitted Disease.
  19. Seems like everyone here has stuck their dick in the steak sauce.
  20. A new category and an instant winner. Mrs. Alden will present your Golden Snaffle at the awards ceremony.
  21. What Spray Transmitted Diseases are going round this week? N-O-D-D-I-N-G Sickness?
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