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Everything posted by snugtop

  1. Did you expect them to be hanging out in bikinis?
  2. Dumb article. But it's Outside magazine...all the articles are dumb.
  3. good times last night ...enlightened discussion such as whether MattP has 4 wives and whether Dru is a serial killer who makes collages of all his avatars.
  4. build your own! if that fails, walk by the freight entrance to REI. There seem to be a lot just lying around...
  5. My favorite quote was: Goff said Coleman “threw her leg over the steering wheel, groaned once, and the rest of the baby came out. “She caught that baby, put it to her chest, gave me a look, like, ’I gotta go,’ closed the door, put the van in gear and away she went.”
  6. It's better than in Ohio where they arrest the pregnant women... Labor pain = gas station birth, near arrest Police thought mother was driving a stolen car The Associated Press Updated: 8:28 a.m. ET March 31, 2005KETTERING, Ohio - A woman rushing to a hospital to give birth hit a few stops along the way — first at a gas station where she delivered the baby herself, then when confused police ordered her out of the car at gunpoint. Debbie Coleman, whose 3- and 4-year-old daughters were asleep in the back seat, pulled over at a gas station just after midnight Tuesday. “I asked if she needed help, and she just leaned back in the seat, hollered a little, and I looked down and there was the baby’s head,” said station co-owner Lloyd Goff, who was alerted to the emergency at pump No. 7 by a customer. Goff said Coleman “threw her leg over the steering wheel, groaned once, and the rest of the baby came out. “She caught that baby, put it to her chest, gave me a look, like, ’I gotta go,’ closed the door, put the van in gear and away she went.” Stolen van? A customer at the gas station in suburban Dayton tried to give police a heads-up about Coleman’s situation, but a mix-up involving the license plate number had them thinking the van was stolen. As officers went looking for her, Coleman headed for the hospital, naked below the waist and with the baby boy in her arm. His umbilical cord was still attached. “I kept pulling over, making sure (the baby) was all right, breathing,” she said. Meanwhile, police had straightened out the license plate issue. But another caller mistakenly reported someone trying to throw a baby from a van. Coleman said she noticed several cruisers following her before one cut her off. With guns drawn, officers ordered her out of the van with her hands up. “I opened the door and said, ’I just had a baby’ and just let them see everything,” she said. Officers sent Coleman on and let the hospital know she was coming. Coleman was discharged Wednesday. Her 6-pound, 8-ounce son, Richard Lee Coleman Jr., remained in intensive care.
  7. snugtop

    Name this peak

    This was my first thought too... but didn't they receive more snow this winter? Oooof, I give up. Haven't any of you Burning Man nodders taken a little detour?
  8. snugtop

    Name this peak

    Hmmm...it seems to be your birthday every day.... Don't you get cold up there in your birthday suit?
  9. snugtop

    Name this peak

    Nope, further south. actually, name the town or name the store would work fine too.
  10. snugtop

    Name this peak

    taken this Easter Sunday
  11. Jugs, You have defiled yourself by climbing in a manner by which the gods did not intend. You must make an offering to the climbing gods by crashing a Subaru Tribeca. Dr. Snugglesworth
  12. Concerned, I'm sure she can handle herself fine. But let me ask you this: do you find yourself worrying about your friends' situations and not focussing on your own? Perhaps you ought to use your free time in more productive pursuits--like basket weaving, DNA sequencing, or studying SOx 404 compliance. That said, you have cause for some concern: intenet chat sites are known to attract the riff-raff. Hope that helps! Auntie Snugs
  13. Thads-Babe, See above. If that fails, I suggest you show this to get her in the mood. (Photo courtesy of Alpinfox) -ST
  14. Dave, It's not enough to just desire to be with other men--being Dan Savage is more than being just gay. But if you really want to be Dan Savage I suggest you start by going gay. A first step might be to "utilize" Thadsboner. His girlfriend might not want another woman, but might be amenable to a second male.
  15. Dear A., If your lips are so nasty that she must manually exfoliate, thank your lucky stars you have a woman at all. You could be home alone making out with your pillow! -ST
  16. Man's Aggression compared to his Fingers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - How long a man's second finger is relative to his fourth finger appears to predict whether he is prone to be physically aggressive toward others, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. But it's not finger length that causes aggression, study author Allison A. Bailey warned in an interview. She explained that the important factor is the male hormone testosterone. Fetuses are exposed to various levels of this hormone in the womb, and research shows that men who were exposed to higher levels tend to have shorter second fingers, relative to their fourth fingers. "More testosterone, relatively longer ring finger," co-author Dr. Peter L. Hurd told Reuters Health. Men with shorter second fingers were probably exposed to more testosterone in the womb, and this may cause them to be more prone to physical aggression later in life, Bailey explained. "More testosterone in the womb predicts more physical aggression in men," she told Reuters Health.
  17. I wonder if they will stop serving finger food at Wendy's.
  18. They'll be smokin at the tea party. Ask Dru. BYOC
  19. 1. ¿Cómo se acoplan las nutrias marinas? How do sea otters mate? 2. ¿Cuántos cachorritos tienen las nutrias? How many pups do otters have? 3. ¿Cuál es el periodo de gestación de las nutrias marinas? What's the gestation period for sea otters? 4. ¿Cuál es el peso de las nutrias al nacer? How much do sea otters weight when they're born? 5. ¿Cuál es el tamaño y peso de las nutrias adultas? What is the average size and weight of sea otters? 6. ¿Se acoplan las nutrias? Do otters mate for life? 7. ¿Ayudan los machos a crear cachorros? Does the father help to raise the pup? 8. ¿Cuándo dan la luz las nutrias marinas? When do sea otters give birth? 9. ¿Cómo dan la luz las nutrias marinas? How do sea otters give birth? 10. ¿Cuál es el tamaño de los cachorros al nacer? How big are pups when they are born? 11. ¿Cómo crecen las nutrias? How do they grow? 12. ¿Cuántos años viven las nutrias? How long do they live?
  20. If there's only one leg are they a pair of pants or a pant?
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