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Everything posted by snugtop

  1. "Many people who write on Channel 2 are stupid," Mr. Nishimura said, making a statement that many Channel 2 regulars would agree with but one that will surely draw a flurry of attacks. "They cannot change the world by writing about it. If they really want to have an impact, there are other things they could be doing." Sound familiar?
  2. snugtop

    My REI wish list

    Personally, I find dyneema thongs more supple.
  3. snugtop

    My REI wish list

    post deleted cuz I'll never hear the end of it.
  4. snugtop

    My REI wish list

    it is perfect for holding my skis together, and filtering coffee, so it is in my book can a "full-strength" thong double as an extra runner?
  5. snugtop

    My REI wish list

    You mean a thong isn't one of the 7 essentials???
  6. snugtop

    My REI wish list

    Attn ladies, this Lewis N. Clark "Personal Stash" security pocket attaches to your bra strap delivering discrete security.
  7. Greg, you sure spend a lotta time complaining about Allison. You better tone it down--people will say you're in love!
  8. Nobody has a photo of Gary sportin' his new 'do?
  9. Greg would prefer to just be called skinny. All those animals in the freezer are part of the Atkins plan.
  10. I'm just happy to hear you're getting treatment, Greg.
  11. Hey, I was polite about it. If that's your idea of polite, what's rude? OK, I don't wanna know the answer to that...
  12. What's that otter gots in its paw?
  13. snugtop

    That's my dog!!!

    they do...it's called marriage
  14. Mine is a dazzling 70/1...what's yours?
  15. snugtop

    everest sex watch

    He looks a lot like Richard Gere there.
  16. snugtop

    New graemlin?

    If this rig's a rockin', don't come a knockin'
  17. Timmy, will you sign my snug top?
  18. I find that animation strangely mesmerizing.
  19. snugtop

    red hair

    Better yet, a Shirley Temple.
  20. snugtop

    red hair

    Ken's at post 666 now. What does this mean?
  21. snugtop

    red hair

    I am so never going caving with you now.
  22. snugtop

    red hair

    just cut and paste the link you lazy bastard.
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