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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. but what if your life is a dream, and cc.com is reality
  2. Dey ain't git enough meat on 'em, that's why. We gotta come up with some mutainted rabbits like dey did wit dem cheeckins, neawh!
  3. Well, you gotta admit that if you reduce the population, it's easier to keep everyone fed! Yeah that's kind of what I'm saying, but it'll never work. How do you tell people who don't know any better to stop fucking like rabbits? I mean what if your life pursuits were so limited that all you can do is try not to starve to death, and fuck whenever possible. And maybe participate in some sort of religion. Are you going to tell these people that not only do they have to live like shit, they can't get some ass either? What will happen is what has happened for millions of years. The harsh principles of population biology are being demonstrated as the limits of our resources are reached. Our population will be self-limiting, but not before shit gets a whole lot worse. I mean, unless we actually do something intelligent, but what are the chances of that?
  4. Yeah WTF if you can't feed your children you shouldn't be having them... I'm sorry, I'm not taking responsibility for that shit. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not championing world hunger... There's no doubt that livestock is a grossly inefficient foodsource.
  5. No no, corporations are much too clever to let their pawns make that much dough... I mean, why would GW Inc. want anyone who's not already a multimillionaire to make any money? I made $2.50/hr working as a full-time lab tech in a third world country for 6 months, and over half of that went to rent so that I could live near my girlfriend. Guess what? I still had to pay US taxes on that!
  6. Last weekend I caught some kind of snaffle/rodent creature trying to steal my cookies while we "slept" 3 pitches up a climb with nothing around but ice and rock. What the hell the bastard eats besides my cookies is a mystery...
  7. Oh yeah there we are. I had to check the hi-res version in the gallery... That must have been right at the end of the sketchy broken section of the glacier. We were able to cruise on easy snow from there up to the base of the route. We had bivied at the first camp spot at the bottom of the steep trail, about 3 or 4 miles from the car. That made for a very long summit day and led to us bivying on the S Face. We saw you on your way up to Mac Spires on our way around that small lake, we (mistakenly?) did a high traverse above it on the way in. How was your climb? Were you all (7?) in the same group?
  8. Take lightweight crampons for the final 1000 feet. Don't take your nice climbing boots because this climb will chew the sh@t out of 'em. Hiking boots are fine.
  9. Newbies might also want to notice the improper use of the device in this report, specifically the fact that the carabiner is crossloaded on two separate harness loops in the first figure, greatly increasing the chance of loading the gate. As far as the belaying accident, it is wise to attach the unused (large) ring of the 8-device to one's harness (girth-hitch a sling to it and clip the other end of the sling to the belay loop) to prevent the device from travelling up the rope.
  10. Hey well as long as you're crazy enough to rap off of hooks, you can just prussik up the rope if it gets caught.
  11. That huge rock gully? I don't think it's steep enough to warrant a scary name. The micro-gullies on the SE, now those might be something in the winter...
  12. Yeah where's the "M7 variation," Dru?
  13. it's when you get really high and talk nice to the crimpers
  14. the bottom looks further left, but I'm not so sure it's from higher...?
  15. I started ordering my white russians made with tequila. It's more tastier. For all you freaks who like to mix energy drinks with good liquor and then pound the shit, how this: one shot wheat grass juice, 2 tablespoons spirulina, creatine phosphate, and soy protein powder, one shot espresso, two shots peppermint schnapps. YOU CAN GO ALL NIGHT on that! WHOOOOO!
  16. Well the real question is, how much are you willing to pay for "a few good climbers" to join you?
  17. Well jeez, it's a good thing we stopped a little foreign country from maybe doing something bad, like attacking other foreign countries for no reason. Because lord knows that's not good.
  18. No way man. We're pacifists. Weak little girly pacifists.
  19. ROFLMAO Is that before or after we take them over?
  20. You want to go be a big brave manly man and die in battle before you have the chance to make a positive contribution to the world, be my guest. Just don't try to make me come with you... Sure I'll defend my country. But I ain't going halfway accross the world to fight and die in some pseudo-war that shouldn't even have happened. There's a big difference between taking a stand on your own soil (Flight 93), and ransacking foreign countries.
  21. Headgear makes a good handle. Pshhhh that's a girly punch if I've ever seen one. His feet aren't even on the ground. Actually, it looks more like he's missing a tackle. But he could still be sin-binned for trying to tackle above the shoulders...
  22. hey. fuckface. The thread is here. Deal with it, or maybe try to say something meaningful...? Especially like the "even though you've never talked to one" part. Do they all sound like you? oh yeah, you other punkasses too. It's not spray... yet...
  23. Yeah, the good anchor spot is at 50 meters...
  24. Do you have any shots of the South Face?
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