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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Sounds like this fucker was huntin'. I'm surprised they didn't call it a Black bear. Oh that's right, it's not the South.
  2. heh-heh... no, I just picked up a huge bag (100 lbs?) of genuine fine-grit silica sand for $7. Sounds like a trip to the boat shop is in order then?
  3. That's on par with the time the cnn ticker read something on the order of "Bush committed to smoke out terrorists..."
  4. Ah but tiny voids are perfect for texture, actually that's more important than the weight savings... hmm that's crafty. I guess I would need them to stand up to the resin chemicals for about 30-60 minutes... testing is in order...
  5. No it's code. He is inquiring into the feasibility of dropping bombs somewhere.
  6. Does someone know someone in the biz? Maybe if I email metolius they will tell me how. Not trying to start a business here, just want to make some custom shapes.
  7. yeah toxic and explosive, something like that would probably do the trick...
  8. I wouldn't dare subject a living organism to the harsh chemicals involved in this process. That would totally violate my principles as a level 6 vegan. I'm trying to think of stuff that can be mixed to generate non-toxic gas, forcefully. Unfortunately we never learn this kind of stuff in chemistry, too dangerous or something.
  9. I've made a few holds for my home wall by mixing silica sand and polyester resin. They turn out ok but something is not the same compared to commercial holds. That something is that commercial holds are lower-density, most likely by virtue of some kind of foaming agent added to the mixture, which allows for gas bubbles to be trapped inside the resin. The result is more texture and a lighter hold. Does anyone know what is used as a foaming agent, and how?
  10. Oh well in that case they are definitely discussing 'this killer offwidth, it's like this f'ing wide, dude.'
  11. the 'hardest boulder problem' thread was pretty entertaining.
  12. sooo... is everybody just pretending to know what's going on, or can someone enlighten me, as to why are Colin and (?) featured on this Slovenian news site? What did they climb?
  13. That was cute, cows and chemistry, the refinement of technology... Leave it to the wizards of an ivory tower to be completely oblivious to the tangible--soon we will reach the limits of infrastructure and natural resources, and all the technology and philosophy in the world will not be able to prevent stagnation. That is unless we find a way to self-regulate our sprawl, first. When a bacterial broth exceeds the capacity of its resources, the log phase ceases, and a mortal pestilence wipes out the population. Here's everyone's chance to prove that humans are indeed a higher form of life. The end is near! Fear the reckoning!
  14. That's exactly the problem. A big fucking problem because growth is not infinite. There are boundaries and we are hurtling toward them.
  15. Somewhere in a dark basement there are 993 wretched programmers, slaving over non-ergonomic keyboards and archaic rolly-ball mice, wondering just how many extra hours they will be forced to work in order to make the next payment on their sailboats. The other 7, unable to withstand the pressure the 21st century working conditions, were forced by the cruel system to abandon work and sit at home playing X-Box day in and day out, barely surviving on the rotten scraps of Microsoft stock options. I don't know enough about Gates, but I'm sure he's got his avaricious little golden hands dipped into plenty of shady unsavory business practices, at the expense of the common worker! But hey, it's not his fault. He's playing by the rules. Capitalist rules. It's like they say: don't hate the player, hate the game.
  16. me and charlie are squatting in the bush getting stronger every day
  17. not growing. Money neither created nor destroyed, economic homeostasis. Sorry, I'm too out of my element to know how to say this is economic terms.
  18. I do not agree with free rides for anyone who is able to work. Welfare is abused, plain and simple. I've seen it in person. As far as education is concerned, that is not money being granted, but education. Yes, I know education costs money. However we need national education at least as much as we need a military. (To be clear though, I personally think that a 4-year degree is economically useless for many, if not the majority of students). If "human drive, spirit, [and] innovation" = taking money from other people instead of earning it yourself, then of course. I agree that those who exploit others tend to be some of the most intelligent and resourceful members of our society. But talent and inspiration should not be misconstrued as the right to exploit others to the point of poverty. Ah, an equal rubuttal to this one is easy: fuck off eh!
  19. I think it's funny that the wealth of the U.S. is attributed to capitalism itself. Our success is due simply to the fact that we have many resources, and have enjoyed a state of uninhibited, profitable growth since the birth of the country. Only now are we starting to have to deal with the realities of a STABLE economy--one which our well-praised economic system is ill-prepared for. Everything is always about growth, interest, invesment and return, etc etc; the expectation that tomorrow, we will have more money than today. The only way for that to happen in a stable (non-growing) economy is for that money to be TAKEN from someone else. This is why nobody should be entitled to money that they themselves have not worked for.
  20. It'll be a sad, sad day in this country when the vice president of human resources can't buy his son another BMW for is 17th birthday, because some whiney, greed-stricken povert decided he wanted to send his son to community college.
  21. What's front and center? Success cleaver, wilson headwall? (I know dick about Rainier.)
  22. Oh, that's right... Filled up the ol' SUV this morning! haha... sweet, sweet justice. Ride a bike. 100 miles per gallon of coffee, bitches.
  23. You know, Canadians and Cubans are Americans, too. ahahahaha
  24. We're looking at the wrong side of things. What we need to do, is REDUCE the MAXIMUM wage. Stop letting execs pay themselves millions, and force companies to divert profits back to the workers. That way exploiting the worker = paying them more.
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