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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. OMFG! Get some skis! You'd be cruising that highway doubletime!
  2. So at what point to tools become so fucking unbelievably specialized, funky, ugly, twisted and totally inpractical for anything but a very specific type of climbing that they become "aid" rather than tools? What you don't realize is that the shaft is specially designed with active snow camming for the iceaxe belay, and also notice the improved traction on the top for self arrest. This results in very agressive stopping power, with only a minimum of bloodshed.
  3. Dear Mr. MtDude, I am intriqued by this "str8 RIPPIN IT UP." Can anyone learn to "str8 RIPPIN IT UP," or do I need to be extremo first? My mom says that I am at leat 1/2 extremo, do you have any idea what she might have meant by that? Thanks! -Misty Tailgrab
  4. I spent a night in a down bag with an REI El 'waterproof-breatheable' shell, at 7000 feet with constant but light 38-degree rain. By the morning, the bag had about as much loft as a soiled diaper. (I had lent my bivy sack to one of my partners.) Don't use down in the rain. Period. To be fair, I would guess that they start working again below 20 F, where you don't have to worry about the moisture of your surroudings anymore.
  5. And it's about fucking time! Maybe they can become real actual countries now...
  6. Ah you FUCKING BASTARDS! I can't DEAL wit thius shit oin the moring!!! FUCAK
  7. You could see that shit coming the last few days in the satellite animations. Shitee
  8. Canada: the smarter sister, tormented by her big dumb over-popular sibling, the latter of which has three kids, alcholism, and an abusive relationship, long before the former completes her long stupid smarty-smarty 'graduate degree.'
  9. Is this kind of like when they elected an indigenous coke-hoovering villager to the US presidency?
  10. Whew! At least Snoop is okay. Just gid a dog a bone and lee him alone, mah nizzizlez.
  11. Here's the thing about religion. If it's any good, it can be one's personal philosophy. The second it becomes socialized, it's simply a mind-control tool. What separates science from religion is that in science, "just take my word for it" doesn't cut it.
  12. Is that your crag? That looks awesome.
  13. Hey Larabee, did you ever top out into the cracks? I thought they were sorta cool (solo toproped however).
  14. I saw stable snow last weekend. There didn't appear to be any sliding layers or slabs. Rainier is extremely susceptible to avy conditions because there are more chances for sketchy layers to form (sun exposure comb. with temp. fluctuations around freezing) and for slab layers to form (strong winds). That said, if you dig appropriately and frequently without finding either of these, then that is reasonable evidence that skiing there is in fact not a death wish. Also you skied it and didn't die (another reason to believe that your assessment was correct).
  15. Splitboarding is definitely the only way to log any miles if you are a snowboarder. Skinning is fantastically more efficient and graceful than slowshoeing, but requires a little more finesse. It'll take some time before you can keep up with seasoned backcountry skiers, but once you can, it's great. You might consider getting a factory splitboard with full metal edges, unless all of your backcountry days are in fresh powder (we can dream...). Have you been out to the Artist's Point/Table Mtn/Coleman Pinnacle area (from Mt Baker Ski Area upper lodge)? It's impossible not to meet other backcountry folks up there. Just be especially careful of the north-facing aspects if the snow is unstable.
  16. Looks like Eerie has already found his kind here at cc.com. Good answers lathered thickly with asshole. What is your setup, and what kind of tours have you done so far? I might get out one of these days.
  17. Tumor my ass. He was lobotomized to conceal the secrets of enlightenment.
  18. So what are the top selective pressures today? It certainly has nothing to do with education level, income, or physical fitness. Acting ability? Ability to lie convincingly enough to let you have unprotected sex with your high school sweetie and/or the drunk chick in da club? Can you spit game well enough to get in the sack? Do you have sufficient plumage? Sadly, the most successful mating group is dumb enough to get randomly knocked up, but just quite smart enough to stay alive and spell their name approximately right on a welfare application. It would seem that the current paradigm selects against intelligence. After all, contraception and self-control are the foes of proliferation. But look on the bright side, these children are our future. Look, I can even bestow linkage to highly-regarded news media: link
  19. The average snowboarder has no idea how to dynamically weight the board or jump-turn, and therefore can only straightline or sideslip anything over 30 degrees. Most are too lazy to bend their knees.
  20. Most likely it's because you don't point your tips downhill... friggin skiers disease. Aha, as a snowboarder I find this gratuitous and inexplicable slaloming very confusing and strangely hypnotic. I'll be cooking along, and the skier way off left or right of me will all of a sudden sweep in and blindside me. I'm sorry sir, I hadn't realized that this run was your private playground! For god's sake, LOOK WHERE/BEFORE YOU TURN! That said, snowboarders at ski areas are in general still more annoying than skiers. Also it is fun to trade profanities with snowboarders when I ski.
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