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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. poor, defenseless chocolate. I try to give it more of a chance, by brutally punishing my metabolism regularly.
  2. I'd be happy to take a keg from you Sweet, when's the party!
  3. -Ephedra? Haven't you ever heard of black coffee? NO sugar NO cream/milk and NO espresso. Earn your sustenance. -Become addicted to exercise. -Bike-commute to work, and go for a 30-60 minute fun-paced bike ride or jog before or after work. especially if it is cold out. -Turn down the heat in your house. -Eat a HUGE salad, WITHOUT cheese, WITHOUT dressing or oil, before meals. Also works with other vegetables. NO butter either. -every couple of days, skip breakfast, or skip lunch. I'm serious. -NEVER, EVER order/buy desert. EVER. This is about who you are. Society has allowed you to become someone with whom you are not satisfied. Do you think people have always had 3+ meals a day, and could just go down to Safeway and purchase 50,000 calories for the equivalent of a couple hours of work? Or go round the corner and grab a 400-calorie Mocha, a 500-calorie scone, and a 1000-calorie chocolate bar on a 15-minute work break? In the modern world food is obtained too easily and for too little. The consequence is a nation that eats too much. And let's not even get started on lack of aerobic exercise. Simply put we'd all be a lot better off (physically) if we still had to hunt down our prey or collect berries for 10 hours in order to get a decent meal. But there's nothing that says we can't still pretend.
  4. About fucking time. I don't give a rat's ass how the nic-heads get their fix, or how many carcinogens they want to consume, as long as it doesn't involve me by default. Indoor air pollution is simply retarded. That's why chimneys were invented. You don't see motherfuckers starting campfires in the bar, do you? I hear that was the thing oh, about 1,000,000 years ago. Time to find another way to be compulsively cool.
  5. While most of us here appreciate this motif (indeed I do, kudos), we here at cc.com believe in fair and balanced content; to follow suit you are compelled to provide something for the ladies as well (in a DIFFERENT pic, with a rating of "beware, sausage" included somewhere in the link description).
  6. Everyone pushes the electric motor button now, because the new 2-ton robotic doors are nearly impossible to open by the typical human. I'm just trying to save electricity.
  7. Ramps, lifts, mega-stalls and dangly-johns... I have fucking physical handicap too. I must climb. I demand vertical access to any and all public buildings. All future construction, in addition to its extensive accomodation of others' physical needs, must provide for the physically enabled, such alternative modes of entrance as handcracks, mantles, jibs, chickenheads, slopers, and slabs. Apparently someone was paying attention when my building was constructed... but there is widespread ingnorance of epidemic proportions. Something must be done before all of the remaining vertical space in the city is fruitlessly wasted. Thank you all for your time. friends of ashw_justin for City Councilman.
  8. If I'd been there on skis, I'd have drafted Tiny. If I'd been there on a snowboard, you'd all have been put to shame. If I'd been there...
  9. I guess we are all eating our words now. I bet there's some dude that just lost it this one time, and just hangs out somewhere half-way up Everest now, too.
  10. The best thing about sponsoring him, is that for only 80 cents a day, you are bringing hope and a future to a young innocent life.
  11. Free Big Punisher doll with every meal.
  12. You can increase the intensity of pushups by jumping during extension, either off of your hands, or off of your hands and feet simultaneously. You can ensure a high-intensity workout by splitting a deck of cards with a friend. You go through the deck doing the number of pushups indicated on the card. The intensity remains high because the sets are short and you explode off of each extension. Why do you want pecs, anyway? I usually pull on the rock/ice, not push. To each their own, but I'd do pullups and dips instead.
  13. Whoa, is Adam Sandler training for a role in the next Jackie Chan flick?
  14. sweet. Reeal speedclimbers use tape. How much camera tilt, I have not been there. Not much, as far as I can tell.
  15. There is too much friction, and pulling the rope through sucks. Best to get a self-feeding setup. Even a prussik and a pulley can serve for self-feeding solo toprope, as long as you mind the obvious risks.
  16. Guys, guys... there's a right way to do this, through the proper channels. My agent and I have proactively copyrighted the first documented descent into the crater, and we're now talking to "Fear Factor" and various other reality TV series. We're confident that the market strength of the network with which we come to agreement will take care of any legal gray areas, the specifics of which to be discussed on a private yaught serviced by a crew of topless cheerleaders.
  17. The truth is, he was probably irresistibly coveting your new shiny stuff, drawn by it's mysterious and intoxicating newness. The loss was a foregone conclusion, from the moment he beheld your precious. As everyone knows, bootied gear is inherently better than purchased gear. Might I suggest that you demand the firstborn?
  18. Well now isn't that what it's all really about?
  19. It's not about the ego or the self. It's about the experience. That shit is real and intense. Of course climbing isn't the only way to get this feeling, but whatever it happens to be, it's always dangerous, or at least scary. Then again, you could masturbate your whole life and stay safe...
  20. A life not worth living is also dying prematurely. Climbing is the best part of many people's lives: it makes them alive. I have known some who would probably rather die than not pursue their life's passion. On the other hand, if climbing is just amusement for you, like tennis, well then you should probably just stick to tennis.
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