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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. How far could you drive up the road? Past the windy section and the creek?
  2. Did I start that with my innocent simile? I meant nothing literal.
  3. I don't know, but I would guess that you'll have to put in some serious mileage. There was snow on the road up to Shuksan, starting at 1700 v.f.
  4. Don't take this question as criticism on the climb, it sounds pretty cool, but this has been gnawing at me - if one climber is climbing with another, is it a solo climb? Did she just solo the technical portions? Again, I don't really care one way or the other, just kind of cornfused (as usual). eh? I didn't say anything about there being anyone else there. Hence alternate reality. Point I was trying to convey, is that she's at least as fit as any other mountaineer I know--and that has nothing to do with gender. (See original post for a translation.)
  5. Oh no! Our lonely neighbors to the north *DELETED*!
  6. Somewhere in an alternate reality the title of this thread says "Pandora drags some fatass dude up the Nisqually Icecliff." EDIT: ok, so we're going to try to misunderstand my post now, eh? Reading instructions: the above post reads: "Pandora is a flippin slogzilla badass, and it's a good thing that she soloed, so that some poor fool didn't have to get horsedrawn up the frickin Nisqually ice-cliff." There, that should clear up any confusion.
  7. erg..!&^&% must resist.. (ps. chill out tyree, that's between me and pbelitz...)
  8. Wow, that sounds epical! How far in is the gate?
  9. Sky and Lunger look decent in every photo. Yeah, I really thought Eric's jacket brings out the blue in his eyes. For Sky though, I think more of a burnt cienna colored shell would compliment his complexion more. Normally I would have agreed with you about Skykilo. but from talking to those who witnessed the debut of the peacock motif last year, I think he's taught us to rediscover new permutations of red, yellow, and cornflower blue. http://cascadecrusades.org/SkiMountainee...lmowich2005.htm http://mtnphil.com/Mowich/Mowich.html
  10. I sincerely apologize for the scientists who have just wasted millions and millions of dollars fabricating this bullshit.
  11. They just have that in there so that they can get the kids of the NASCAR generation to watch the ads. We want to see what humans can do, not what motorized vehicles can do (which is not much).
  12. You should probably ski groomers until that's boring, then ski mogul runs and shortcuts until they're not a problem for you... THEN go do some backcountry. I won't speak for anyone else but one of the reasons I prefer the backcountry is that the ski area gets old. The time to start doing "backcountry" is the spring/summer months. Start off with a couple of runs down from Camp Muir in May. After that you might consider the Southside of Adams.
  13. TV sports are freaking weird, man...
  14. Doesn't count! Didn't stick it! I wonder how badly he'd have been injured if he'd landed skis first?
  15. Says it's run by an MBA. They'll feel compelled to moderate in order to placate their advertizers. CC.com will remain the only outlet for the truly disturbed musings of real climbers.
  16. "you crazy." How much more snow before you go back and cruise it Warren Miller style?
  17. That's beautiful! So much pretty snow.
  18. The Grateful Dead graphing calculators The Matrix screensaver Microsoft the special forces
  19. How about Things that won't be cool, ASAP: -angst rock, always with that fucking Eddy Vetter-esque voice -emulating Lance -telemarking -gmail -softshell oh yeah I forgot one: The Seahahwks
  20. fuck you guys, all those things are still cool! except
  21. always thought it was wierd that they don't make tom yum there, only tom kah.
  22. This is a picture from early June. 1-2 foot of fresh powder (should have been skiing instead). I think you can pretty much see from this photo that there's a ramp/rib to hit on the left. (But don't ask me how we saw this, and then tried to pull some direct AI4 shit in the center wall...)
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