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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Did you see that composure when faced with her own retardity? She's almost good enough to be president!
  2. I still think it's tragic that you guys are casting politics so dualistically. There are only the issues themselves; the rest is make-believe us and them bullshit. Yay team. Besides, who decides what is "political" and what isn't?
  3. ehh? It's not like the US doesn't us R and X for routes.... Yeah well eh, the E-rating comes FIRST! So neah! Good for them though if it reduces the impulse to gridbolt, assuming the climbs can be toproped
  4. ashw_justin

    UFC =

    Off-topic AND no visual aids? Focus, people
  5. Those crazy British. If a brit climbs a bolted route but doesn't clip any of the bolts, do they get to tack on a few grades to the bolted rating in order to account for their boldness?
  6. I don't understand why you are comfortable using such vague symbolic words to describe the political beliefs of yourself and others. Willingness to believe that politics in this country must boil down to "liberal vs. conservative" is the absence of rational thought. Every time someone uses a vague symbolic word as a proxy for real, concrete political beliefs, their politics becomes for all intents and purposes a religion... and thus this country's most threatening holy war is entirely within its own borders. Those in power would prefer that you thoughtlessly rally behind these meaningless symbols... don't fall for it.
  7. ashw_justin

    UFC =

    She, Mr. Spotter, has the guns.
  8. ashw_justin

    UFC =

    What is the point of comparing recreational climbers to cage fighters? Most people who climb do so simply for the enjoyment, not to 'win.' The nice thing about recreational sports that are not externally competitive (like climbing) is that no matter what your skill level, you can have a good time regardless of anyone else's abilities. Why should that change? Sure, by all means train hard in order to climb sick stuff, if it will make climbing more fun for you. But why should the individual climber care about being 'taken more seriously by the general public' or the 'overall skill level of our sport'? I won't speak for anyone else, but neither of those considerations are relevant to my enjoyment of climbing. ps. Your newbie grasshopper deserved at least one cane strike. Then they should have been instructed to meditate for 3 days in the sit-start position on the following koan: "If one climbs a rock but there is nobody there to see it, are they not still a rock climber?" And uh, to stay on topic, you're right, MMA fighters are jacked up and ready to maul, thanks in no small part to their amazing training regimen. It's too bad that the motivation for the fitness is to inflict damage and pain on their friends and colleages--but I guess that's just their idea of fun (or making a living ). pps. There's really nothing wrong with fitness for the sake of fitness, if that's what you're into. Who could complain?
  9. OMG, ONE MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! We could buy like two laser-guided bombs for that!
  10. Perhaps a little late to comment on this, but conditions shouldn't really be an excuse. Climbing (and guiding) in a safe manner includes knowing when to turn around, right? Furthermore, the implicit business concern of getting clients to the top has to be the least acceptable of the excuses for this bolt. I'm not sure just how to debate the logic that for newbs, walking across a narrow section of horizontal rock is like 5.11 face climbing for the rest of us. Isn't the point of taking new people climbing that they will gain the skills and judgment that we have as climbers? What is the point of sheltering them by bringing climbs down to the level of a complete beginner? How will they learn what alpine climbing is about? (That being predominantly easy, yet underprotected climbing.) If they want 'complete safety,' aren't there plenty of peaks that they can just hike to the top of?
  11. Just kidding, I'm actually too young to know enough about Reagan. But he WAS a much better actor, that much is apparent.
  12. As if there were a bigger difference between Reagan, Bush, and mini-Bush than a diminishing progression of acting ability.
  13. Yeah, especially when you have to stop every ten minutes to reassure someone that you are, in fact, still on the trail. Speaking of which I guess this means that the trail is in good shape despite certain others' doubts in a previous TR.
  14. Impressive is taking longer down that section than up. That happened to me too, when my boss couldn't see in the dark and kept wanting to take a nap.
  15. You guys are commenting as if the quoted statement were "those who believe that there is only one way of thinking." You can also expect that the strongest opinions will come from those who feel most that their understanding of reality is isolated or theatened. There will be never be a final word on bolting as long as bolting is recognized as a human activity.
  16. This doesn't make sense. If one believed there was only one way of thinking, then they would feel no need to argue, because they would be confident that people would only be capable of thinking this one way already. This type of person, having realized that people can only think one way, would just resign to the attitude of "everything's fine: there is nothing to argue about." Consider an adherent of the widespread illogical belief that bolts just appear out of thin air, and that there is nothing that anyone can or should think or do about it...
  17. It was 5.4d, but then tape fell off one of the crux holds, but my buddy didn't know it and he onsighted it anyway, so I think we are ready for indorphamine bliss, I heard alpine climbs are soft
  18. Maybe this is what happens when people start thinking that permanently-hung quickdraws are ok. It must make perfect sense to a gym rat.
  19. Wait I am not convinced yet. Can we invade another country to make sure?
  20. The answer to this question is, of course, that you can do anything solo. Just use your own best judgement and try to take care of yourself. This needs to be a 'sticky' or something...
  21. And sometimes one of those solutions is to be killed
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