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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. To 'Life Without Limits.' I bet every one of those climbs felt f*cking awesome.
  2. Yeah I broke one too and was glad to have it. But they still seem so minimal. It feels like climbing on an 8 mil.
  3. some foil would make that helmet much more visible (and safer!) Yes that and always run the red lights. The tails can't follow you through the red lights without exposing the surveillance.
  4. I wear it mainly so that the reflective stickers can make me a little safer. CPSC spec. I'm sure they know more about helmets than I do. A little healthy paranoia can't hurt though.
  5. Oh sorry, I don't know, I was just hyperbolizing. If I really wanted protection I'd go with an offroad or ski helmet. Just toss her in the freezer before the commute...
  6. Road cycling helmets are a f'ing joke. Nobody takes it on the top of the head, the rare kind of impact that these anorexic pieces of shit are designed for (which also happens to be the kind of impact that will probably just break your neck anyway). I'm not surprised at all that this $100 4oz foam fashion statement afforded him little if any cranial protection. Buyer beware. There's nothing magical about strapping $2 worth of bare foam on your dome.
  7. Was it a human sacrifice to appease the masses? Or are they applying this kind of quality control broadly? No just kidding, execution is stupid. He could be in a penal sweatshop making our patagucci right now instead. Forced labor and frozen assets for all corporate and political criminals... a punishmnent more just and more agonizing than death.
  8. Let's not get all sexist up in here, even though they kick ass and probably don't smell as bad they are climberz too
  9. I don't think that this is strictly true, which is why it is important to be very critical of the impacts of climbing, no matter how insignificant they seem. Assuming that no harm is done now almost guarantees that the impact will become greater. That is just what a rapidly growing human population does to its surroundings, unless there is a conscious effort to preserve. Of course knocking loose rock down creates an impact. However, trundling just slightly accelerates an inevitable natural process. In contrast, bolts will never appear in the rock unless humans put them there. Of course, we ought to be reasonably critical of both in order to limit the overall impact.
  10. Rocks loose enough for a human to pull off using their own bare strength are bound to come down naturally in one way or another within a typical human lifespan or two (a geological blink of an eye). You're just making sure it doesn't happen while you're climbing. Much different than bolting because bolts will not just appear naturally.
  11. It's only freesoloing if you're not getting paid. Otherwise it's feesoloing, cuz it isn't free.
  12. ashw_justin

    BBC reporter

    Did they make sure he was not a bomb first? hope so
  13. Money = freedom. Just look at OJ. ... But he wasn't pardoned by the president. That is because he was aquitted. NO WAY?! What I'm gonna do wit alla deez naugh!?
  14. OJ's power came from more than just money. He was an adorable African-American celebrity hero, and everyone hates California blondes and white cops--especially white people. But he wasn't pardoned by the president. At least they got Skilling.
  15. Those are some dirty-looking lists, not a one of 'em seems clean. Look at all of the white-collar financial crimes. Why should we accept that a president gets this power? Oh right, because the Bibl-er-Constitution says so, and the more importantly the powerful (usually due to wealth) have little concept of justice, beyond how it can be manipulated.
  16. Really? A to 'walking away' from 20 footers at 61 if the news is right.
  17. Sucks, but you have to call people on stuff like that. Best to be polite and to not take shit at the same time.
  18. Yeah perhaps I should have mentioned the link, although you found it ok.
  19. Looks like this is how the cool guys are doing it.
  20. You are No, I'm not a 'terrorist denier.' There is a threat. There are many threats. None of them make it okay to abuse executive power.
  21. Step one in ruining the republic: invent a foreign enemy to silence your domestic adversaries. "We are immune to criticism or prosecution because we are heroic patriots." Really? Revolution is implicit in our government. The top MUST be taken down periodically, for multiple reasons. Elections are one of many peaceful ways this can happen.
  22. Yes but luckily, or I mean hopefully, the biggest thing standing in their way is each other. The infighting has come back up to healthy levels. 9/11 fucked up the normal balance of cutthroat politics that we depend on to keep the powerful from being dangerous. A couple of buildings go down, and everybody's ready to call Bush the Supreme Leader and kowtow 77-23 to his administration's megalomania. OOOPS. At least Washington is getting back to normal now. The last thing we need is for our big powerful government to get any more big bright ideas. That's been demonstrated. The moment they stop bitchslapping each other again, watch out.
  23. How do you know that you're not just seeing a mixture of black and white spots from far away? Most of us could look a lot closer if we tried, or had the time.
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