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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. I'm just doing a small part to support cc.com. Now Jon et al. have proof of the impact of advertising here, given the hundred posts in two separate threads about it in just a few days. Look at that exposure!
  2. Ok but how do you explain the "get the special forces game CD" angle? Are they trying to get to join? (Does he post here?) "But there's no respawn in R.L.!"
  3. "I remember when I was with Special Forces. Seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate the children. We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for Polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He couldn't see. We went back there and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they were in a pile. A pile of little baby arms. And I remember... I... I... I cried. I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget. And then I realized... like I was shot... like I was shot with a diamond... a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought: My God... the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than we. Because they could stand that these were not monsters. These were men... trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love... but they had the strength... the strength... to do that." Someone's squatting in the bush getting stronger... and it ain't us, because IT AIN'T OUR BUSH!
  4. Godzilla, man. It just keeps getting better...
  5. Actually there are two 'wars.' There is the 'war' in which a relatively small number of international criminals commit violent acts against the biggest targets they can find because they feel special, and then there is the 'war' in which the United States took over a clearly defenseless country (or countries) for any number of reasons, all of which they deny while trying to tell us that the two 'wars' are the same. There is no 'war' between Islam and the West. There may be hatred, but actual violence is committed by a relatively small number of extremists that we seem to be incapable (or not in the interest) of finding. 'War' is a stupid word being used to convince you that there is nothing you can do about it besides take orders. And might I remind you that hatred is not an international crime, nor is it evidence (or justification) of war.
  6. ashw_justin


    OMG, ze Americans are Buddhists or Hindus or whatever
  7. Show me the unpaid volunteer armies and maybe I'll believe you. Oh that's no fun, I'll play along. Surviving is too easy. War is Something To Do for people with too much power. We're all just refusing to admit that the game is already over. Did we win? Does it matter? Oh well, let's just keep playing... could we learn to hate each other if it gave us a reason to live? You're a John G!
  8. It's quite flattering really. Not only must we be special, but we think good too.
  9. I won't bitch about ads until they actively degrade the experience. The blatantly site-ruining ones: - take up screen space on the same scale as content - are intentionally distracting with constant motion and/or sounds - hide actual content - require interaction in order to use the rest of the site - are inlined into the content (like between posts or paragraphs) In fact it sounds like we have someone to thank for the continued absence of these.
  10. The vantage from Serpentine must be the least biased view of the actual pitch of the Colchuck glacier that one could get... (The photos from below are foreshortened.) I'm not so sure the camera is playing tricks there--it was way scary-looking and didn't look conventionally hikeable by any reasonable stretch of the imagination on Sept. 2.
  11. What major network would be anti-war? Nothing glues Americans to the television like conflict and violence. It's like a 5-year Super Bowl! Expecting giant private brainwashing companies to figure out the truth for you (for free)? Tell you what, we'll make sure you know what to believe (a.k.a. The Truth), just as long as you keep watching.
  12. The placebo effect has already been in use by the pharma industry for decades--not only can we be convinced that we have myriad diseases both physical and psychological in need of immediate medication (TV-trained sugar-addicted under-exercised kid disease, Y-linked small flacid cock syndrome, etc), but we can also be convinced that a lifetime subscription to $10 pills to treat each of them is the cure.
  13. OMG the 'volunteers!' they must all have been brainwashed, lack of opportunity, :moonbat: :moonbat: :moonbat:
  14. Wait, what is this thread about again? Oh yeah, jeez cbs everyone knows are at war with Eurasia now, not Eastasia.
  15. I've used this one before - Gnu Partition Editor
  16. I think you're just supposed to listen to your body. If you can feel yesterday then rest more, otherwise...(?)
  17. I guess I just have to laugh that one off and assume that your ad hominemania is supposed to be a substitute for a lesson in statistics that you are unable to give. And yes, it most certainly does apply to the WA state gubernatorial election. I think a lot of people were calling for a re-vote and that would have been the democratic thing to do, not to mention that it would decrease false positives and increase turnout.
  18. However you explain it, election victories awarded based on margins far less than can be expected by error due to randomness (or "thousands" of fraudulent voters) can not be considered legitimate. A complete revote was probably appropriate. Or in that particular case, had they thought ahead, an instant-runoff elimination of minor candidates would have yielded a clear and statistically significant majority (assuming that 500,000 wasn't enough), and president-elect legitimately chosen by his people. But anyway, a minority of the voting public can now conveniently distribute the burden of its poor decision among the rest of us. (I'm not saying that only one of the choices was poor, but at least we could have made our poor decision as decisive majority.)
  19. Let's be fair now, 48% of us asked for it. (That is if you don't count non-voters.)
  20. Don Skixote: Skykilo leads his faithful companion AllYouCanEat on a transcontinental crusade to quell the insolent uprisings of earth otherwise referred to as mountains, armed only with their twin swords of sickness. (Videography and editing by philfort.) They have already made like 10 pilots for this...
  21. He's got to be out there somewhere
  22. "NEXT!" we want someone to tell us that we're the smartest, richest, strongest, and most noble country in the world, and that we always will be, as long we JUST KEEP BELIEVING.
  23. Recently I could have sworn it looked like something had been poured down that side of the wall. Must have been rabid locals trying to prevent the send a la City Park.
  24. Oh my. At least they were the small ones, and the hospital is across the street. Get well soon! (...b/c IM AT THE ROCK NOW S3ND1NG ALL UR PROJ :fahq: :yoda:)
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