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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. You mean like someone who calls them self a climber but doesn't climb more than twice a week? NOLSe, you are a very funny guy. You seem have these bizarre standards and ethics that have nothing to do with reality. If I up my climbing to three times a week, do I get the special NOLSe "Official Real Climber" certificate for my resume?
  2. Or having a pretentious screen name.
  3. Fairweather, I'm not sure what happened to you. You actually used to be able to have a meaningful dialogue with those that don't hold your point of view. While I didn't agree with many of your ideas, it was interesting to have you post them on cc.com. From what I know of your particular point of view, it seems to be a popular one (if not on this website, a popular one in this country...look who is president). I took a look this morning at this "other website", and it seems you have lost your debating skills. You were dismembered right in front of everyone by Alpinfox and Sexual_Chocolate. You've got to be embarrassed. Anyway, if you think you can pull it together, I would like to invite you back to this board. True, I am a "nobody" on this site, and I certianly don't have anything to do with how it is administered. But it is useful to have both sides to a debate, if they are coherent. Your skills have gone soft over there.
  4. If anyone has a Canon s400 with a broken LCD, I can tell you how to repair it yourself for $33 (+ shipping for the little LCD). I just got through replacing mine in under 15 minutes. I could do it for you for a beer (you provide the LCD, I'll tell you how to order it). PM me if you want the details.
  5. What a story. Glad to hear they made it off, sounds like they were pretty lucky.
  6. olyclimber

    Bush Budget

    I also believe that Eugene McCarthy said "Give me a windshirt and a packet of GU, and I'll climb any 8000m peak".
  7. olyclimber

    Bush Budget

    Brought to you by global warming, which won't be getting any better due to the policies of the current administration.
  8. olyclimber

    Bush Budget

    If you're talking about me, don't worry, I've got a thicker skin that that. As for being conservative - don't mistake that for being a pro-Bush, true-believer. I may not be willing to support a guy like Kerry, but I still have problems with Bush, and our political leaders in general. I can sum it up with one thought: in a nation with almost 300 million people, the most able, talented, hard-working, intelligent candidates that we could come up with were Dubya and Kerry? And the last time around - Dubya and Gore? Pathetic. We have some common ground here.
  9. olyclimber

    Bush Budget

    Shhh....we're going to scare the last conservative off the board dammit. Then we'll be stuck arguing about windshirts all day instead of politics.
  10. olyclimber

    Bush Budget

    Personal responsibility and self-sacrifice is underratted. The willingness to throw away other people's hard-earned money is too freely exercised. What ever happened to "ask not what your country can do for you?" If you are worried about underfunding of your favorite bureaucracy, take you tax cuts from the last 4 years and donate them to charities. Indeed, if you think your taxes are too low and the federal government is too small, nothing stops you from giving extra to Uncle Sam. Just cut a bigger check - no need to wait until April 15th either. You mean give them more money for the war? Thats where it would go.
  11. olyclimber

    Bush Budget

    Compassion is over rated. Survival of the fittest!
  12. olyclimber

    Bush Budget

    WTF is an "Off budget item"? Is that Enron style accounting? "It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
  13. Gotta be the "Darwin Award Without Death" winner of the century if he lives through it.
  14. olyclimber

    yee haw

    Happy B-day. I never thought that I would live to see 30, but that has passed me by and I too am mostly alive. Now you need to set new goals, like trying to keep your teeth past 50 or to retain the naive optimism of a 20 year old.
  15. Great deal on Alphas. They have the older liner (non-thermofit). Sierra Trading Post.
  16. olyclimber

    Plane wreck

    Did anyone see the video footage of that that plane wreck in Afghanistan? It sort of reminded me of that movie/book "Alive"....but I don't think anyone survived this one. I saw a shot of just a plane tail on a snowy ridge top (at about 11,000 ft).
  17. Ya....but what about windsuits?
  18. olyclimber

    i suck

    Ummm.... patented and trademarked.
  19. A wise man once told me the the answer is in your question.
  20. What about this dumb fucker.
  21. After all this talk about windshirts, I'm starting to get interested in this technology. Has anyone done any studies as to how much time you can save by going with one windshirt over another? Which windshirt manufacturer is most honest with their listed wieght? Has anyone put their windshirt on a postage stamp scale and got the real goods on this? Are there "wind pants" to wear if you decided to wear shorts instead of pants to save weight? These are the questions I need asked before I'm going to add this technology to my alpine toolset. Micheal, if you can answer these questions, we can get on with installing the proper amount of due respect you've been pleaing for.
  22. I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!
  23. The resume looks ok, but it really needs some work. Let me know if you'd like me to help you edit it into something workable. Try to focus on the things that you've done that are actually meaningful.
  24. olyclimber


    Best wishes to you and your family whirlwind.
  25. olyclimber

    Racoon sex...

    I was raised by racoons, and I can tell you the most nasty thing about them is their wicked little claws.
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