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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Imagine to coordination required to pull this off.
  2. Lets donate money for a internet connection for this guy. We need more content like this classic.
  3. olyclimber

    Dirtbag Tm?

    I saw some guy wearing a "Dirtbag" shirts today at Mariners Fanfest....and naturally thought that someone was ripping off Micheal Layton. By the size of his gut, I could tell he wasn't a true dirtbag.
  4. Muir on Saturday
  5. olyclimber


    Man who attempted suicide could face the death penalty.
  6. Special Award For Demostrating the Excellence and Moral Turpitude of CC.com: Big House Cat Thread
  7. So far, all of the PM votes I have been getting have voted this best picture posted on cc.com: Due to the overwhelming response, my PM box is full.
  8. I take it that this functionality is not there yet in the new updated code?
  9. Harkin_Banks=Pig Farmer Ok...that was a low one. I take it back. Even though you're a ski dancing nancy boy wanker, you're not that bad.
  10. olyclimber


    Ski Dancer! They found your truck, eh!
  11. Thats pretty good! When do you graduate from middleschool?
  12. How debonair! I have always found that name calling is the path to sophistication! Choke on my boot you ski dancing nancy boy.
  13. Yo mama is so fat, the last time she saw 90210 was on the bathroom scale.
  14. You obviously didn't get the memo.
  15. Are you carrying that turd you've got wrapped up around in your pocket? Your mom's so fat, she sells shade in the summer.
  16. Bring it, pansies
  17. Sorry, you're a runner up. "Best Turd" has already been "taken".
  18. Thanks SkiBalletDude, at least you're good for something. I'll go ahead and give you an honorary Golden Snaffle for "Best Turd" for putting me in my place.
  19. Catagories: Funniest Most Useful Best Trip Report
  20. What are your nominees for best thread of cascadeclimbers? Let's hear them. If just by # of hits, it sure would be nodder.
  21. Post deleted by jon
  22. Corporate talk for "first quarter of the year". Sometime in one of the following months: January February March However, if the printers shred the book again, then we may be looking at 4Q 2015.
  23. The crux of enjoying this movie is whether you can identify with the main character or not. If you have never had nunchucks in your locker at highschool or fed a llama ham, you might not find it that enjoyable. I too have to give Dodgeball a . "Here at Globo Gym, we're better than you, and we know it!" When are the Oscars?
  24. He told me 1Q of this year.
  25. Have you ever tried this? It is flexible, and quite fun! It feels fantastic to fluant the societal norms as laid down by your particular social group. But don't be caught dead without your name on a piece of tape on the front of your helmet. You might want to change your underwear too.
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