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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Regardless if he dopes, has doped in the past, or has never doped (which nobody is going to prove conclusively on this board today), that he has won Tour 6 times and it in a position to do it a seventh is pretty lucky. There are so many opportunities for crashing badly, like the sprint finishes were people are wrecking in the middle of the bunched up pack. That, and the pretty much perfect execution of strategy has helped him win. While not for the purist, it would be interesting to see what benefits might be the medical world if doping was permitted. You'd have the pharm companies breeding uber cyclists in test tubes. Lance Armstrong, strain IIV, sponsored by Glaxo Smith Kline.
  2. Beckey is sponsored by Fedex and McDonalds.
  3. July 24-26 with that guy from NC.
  4. Shut your butt fox.
  5. what are your favorite climbs 5.8 and under up at WA Pass?
  6. arrest it yourself
  7. So was "P" a sheep? Was he a German Mutton Merino or a Barbados Blackbelly?
  8. Or he could have pulled out his Peewee.
  9. That does it, i'm kicking your ass punk I am kicking your ass punk too. Have you seen his ass punk? It's quite an under taking.
  10. That does it, i'm kicking your ass punk
  11. A more appopriate comment would have been "I know you are, but what am I?"
  12. and a heart rate monitor readout of the entire ascent. How about "Trotsky's Pick" or "Trotsky Headache" or "I've Got the Trotskies"...take your pick.
  13. Or you could break a fingernail.
  14. I'm sure it has nothing to do with a bunch of people dying. You dirty hippies are to blame, as usual.
  15. no, she's definitely a hott librarian.
  16. Reporting for duty.
  17. olyclimber

    Caption Please

    The saimese soccer team did not fare well in the Olympics.
  18. olyclimber

    how come?

    It is archenemy and her army of cloven hooved demons
  19. I decided last week that maybe the Dark Side isn't so bad after all
  20. olyclimber

    101 Viewing

    But I think she may have cloven hooves!
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