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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    101 Viewing

    Oooooo, I think he likes you!
  2. When is this guy gonna go away?
  3. Nice pictures. Thanks for posting.
  4. I might be up for it....
  5. olyclimber

    You suck

  6. For Gary Y: "You're missing the ENTIRE point of joining a University Mountaineering Club: Become the gear secretary spend the budget on your own climbing gear and trips to Font then buy some some second hand kit and pass it off as new gear for the freshers, Scare the shit out of them on their first trip out to a crag they never return to the club leaving just your mates the money and the gear...scam complete... we did this for 3 years running"
  7. I bet it costs twice what the Element is going for too.
  8. Sweet pictures Luke! Is that some sort of Mongolian hat you're wearing?
  9. you need a klenkemobile.
  10. Steve Marts.
  11. olyclimber

    WA climbing lust

    Is it cool if I post here too?
  12. it does. and then
  13. How much do I get for the right cam?
  14. olyclimber

    No Coffee

    Ya, but how did you drink it. You don't have a mouth.
  15. I am so not thinking about the War on Iraq and Other Countries and the economy and Privatizing Social Security right now!
  16. Betting card
  17. Two minute...counting down! I'm on pins and needles!
  18. Also, Katie Holmes is converting to Scientology.
  19. olyclimber

    No Coffee

    wake up and smell the coffee. mmmmm. maybe you should switch to Sanka.
  20. i think you should go for it i mean why not im all in favor of more efficient writing with all the stupid dots and commas and capitolizations but i also think that this chaps guy should submit too he is all like heres a funky introduction of how nice i am tell you mother tell your brother send a telegram super nice and stuff another strong contender is gonna be the parable by alpinek for sure
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