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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    A Parable

    That was a pretty good for the first chapter in the book. when are you going to write the next chapter? I want to hear more about the animal shelter and the rest of the pets.
  2. Is it a pirate hat?
  3. Link Rest in peace.
  4. ooohhh...I feel your pain. only you can truely know him. that was actually written by someone closer to him then you are. get a grip.
  5. Seems like it would be easier to go to the bottom of the moat and climb up than setting up a tyrol traverse...
  6. olyclimber

    summer job?

    I feel like chicken tonight.
  7. olyclimber

    summer job?

    It has to do with subluxation and auras and stuff.
  8. Maybe it has been posted before, but history cams. Interesting.
  9. nice clue for them Commander! Expect a counterattack at dawn by the overwhelming MN hoard.
  10. describing VK: Although his climbing resume can be respected and feared by most, he is not interested in the outwardly comparative nature of the sport. His idea of climbing is conceived as an art of life with outstanding values of sport, aesthetics and mysticism. For him, the physical effort is part of a spiritual experience. This is why he chooses his climbing style; it allows him to better experience the mountains, his climbing partner and his inner-self.
  11. Nice job Jay (&crew)! All the hardcore training at SG paid off, I can see. Best of luck on the East coast.
  12. olyclimber


  13. olyclimber

    summer job?

    You could get a job at the Cinnabon at the Bellisfair mall. Unfortunately, they don't have a Hotdog-on-a-Stick franchise there.
  14. maybe foot binding will catch on. I'll be ahead of the curve with at least one pair of my climbing shoes.
  15. uhhhhh....
  16. Also, I have a science report: I ate some Smarties and then had some bean soup. This caused a reaction similiar to one of those baking soda volcanos you make in gradeschool.
  17. I always spray two grades higher with my rock shoes on.
  19. Hey, if you haven't, you really need to check this place out. It s! A few example of what you can find: - Noxious orange colored cleaner in a bottle that looks just like an "orange drink". Take the label off and set it out for your friend and enjoys the yucks! - Various food like substances that were rejected for some reason, such as the name (Smack noodles) and packaging gone awry. -Food that is past its expiration date or soon will be. Hint: check out the meat section! I could go on. But also, check out your fellow shoppers. Interesting folks in there. And best of all, when you're checking out, they tell you how much you saved. For instance, I saved $1.79 last time I was there. And this was just on a bag of Smarties and some juice that gave me an unusual stomach malady.
  20. As a small consulation, you are getting pooped on too cobra. lol.
  21. Damn it! Foiled again.
  23. As long as you know what the Washington Climbers Coalition is all about, I did my job. That welded tuff is almost as good as Washington state granite...right? It was a good time.
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