On P.A.: how long has that loose flake you can bend back and seems like it could break been like that? i also like the step to the right just before the hand traverse. harder than hand traversing would be standing up and walking the traverse!
I'm also a sloven hag, but unfortunately i'm at the $$$ Allstar Fitness in West Seattle. If anyone wants to meet there for gossip, lies, and inspiration I'm down with it.
you can't put a price tag on freedom dru. its unmeasurable, unfathomable, and unconscious and we only have ourselves to thank. 1000 anecdotes saves 1000 lives, inspires 1000 births, and wiles away 1000 todays. give them away for free!
there is a backpacker dude selling it for slightly cheaper if you google, but i thought i saw a short roll at homedepot...it was like 38 bucks, but then you would be set for life