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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. well another way of looking at that is continuing the same failed policies or do we try something different.
  2. http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/05/22/trail-of-tall-tales-john-mccain/ http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/05/21/trail-of-tall-tales-hillary-clinton/ http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/05/23/trail-of-tall-tales-barack-obama/ LIARS
  3. its about gramps
  4. "again" is spelled a-g-a-i-n, fyi. you should head on over to Fox News .com...they were doing a story about how all three front running candidates have problems telling the truth! OMG WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT IT>?>?>>?>>>>
  5. sitting in a tent in the rain drinking really depends on the the company. you want to have quality company.
  6. isn't it samsquantch fest or something like that this weekend?
  7. your glass is half empty! there is a 50% chance that it won't rain tomorrow.
  8. dudes, remember that on the east side, the rain isn't like over on the wet side. it usually sprinkles a bit then clears off and is warm enough. LIVE YOUR DREAMS LIKE CHAMILLIONAIRE:
  9. happy birthday matt!
  10. your spelling of distorted is distorted. notice that i did not say "you're spelling of distored is distored".
  11. wow, sounds exciting drew! alls well that ends well indeed!
  12. the internet is an excellent source of information. you can get all sort of tips, hints, and information from knowledgeable and cordial experts. logon and try it!
  13. dang! well i'm still coming up. maybe i'll just cower around the keg.
  14. I heard you can buy the old lane planking as flooring at the recycled building materials store there. if i had a need i would do it! historical landmark for a floor.
  15. guy is falling in the second pic.
  16. olyclimber


    Woman Stripped by Mechanical Shovel - Watch more free videos
  17. olyclimber

    Anthrax scare

    thats crazy. sorry to hear about it Muff!
  18. hey John, is there still a route on the tower from the first ascentionists ( i think) with wood blocks driven in?
  19. as mentioned above there are now three viable candidates for Pres....all three believe in global warming brought on by humankind. get ready for good times if that is not something you believe in.
  20. olyclimber

    Anthrax scare

  21. i think car pooling is in order given the price of petrol. lets hear from those interested. i'm up for heading up friday night or saturday morning, i have to return on Sunday night i think...might be able to return on Monday.
  22. looks like go. do you have to wear pentes while playing it?
  23. i promise to act like a juvenile delinquent.
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